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Matter...Thread...and Google

Community Member

This is a question for someone who understands the difference between matter, thread, and then within that controllers/border routers etc. 


Am I missing something or has Google only half launched this? 


If I have a matter/thread bulb (nanoleaf)

And a Google home hub (border router)

And the Google home app on android (controller) 


How can this ever take advantage of the speeds of thread/matter which is meant to be 1 of the big advantages? 


If want to e.g. turn on a light...the command goes via the cloud. Tap the button on my phone - cloud - border router - bulb. 


The button on my hub isn't even available if I turn on the incoming internet as it requires the cloud to function at all. 


There's no local method to control lights at all right? Switches aren't supported by Google devices for matter yet. And I don't see how that would help. Looking at how the current ones are setup on homekit they basically just trigger automations/routines (which Google operates via the cloud...)


So will Google devices never be able to run local fast thread networks for e.g. lighting? 


Hoping someone can point out where I'm totally getting this wrong!

1 Recommended Answer

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Found this when looking for a solution for another problem and it looks like it might solve your issue.

View Recommended Answer in original post


Community Member

I have Hue and use smart switches in my home. These switches require a connection to a router to function but do NOT require an internet connection. 

Obviously the remote access via your phone would stop working if your internet went out but all of your switches would still function.


There are plenty of switches available. This was the first one that popped up with a google search but you’d have to do some more research to verify this specific brand didn’t require an internet connection to function like Phillips Hue.

We use these switches for example.
and these in a couple places as well


Hi yes I'm aware of Hue


But as I stated at the top this is a query regarding Matter, Thread and Google. 


Not hue's proprietary ecosystem (I know they have a matter hub to integrate in but that's not the same). 

Community Member

How do I access my Matter devices when I’m not at home?

Matter is a local connectivity technology, so Matter-only devices require an internet-connected controller — such as those built into smart speakers and smart home hubs — to be present in the home to enable control when away from the home. Most controller devices will offer an app or web interface to control Matter end devices.

Some Matter devices may also have a direct connection to the internet, enabling control from outside the home by the device maker’s application.


All of which is true. But you have missed the question. 


Has Google half baked on the local control? I.e. can any Google software/hardware actually act as a local controller? My understanding so far is - no. 


Apple home and HomeAssistant seem to have implemented this properly. Google seems to be still operating with all control going via the internet. Even when you are at home and can connected to the local network. 

Community Member

Sorry yes that is correct. Currently the Home app and Hubs have no offline support and all traffic is through the internet. 

You have to use native switches to control lights and native apps to control other smart home items. 

Sorry I thought that you were implying you knew that but we’re looking for ways to control your items in the event of an internet outage. 

My question was pretty clear - How can this ever take advantage of the speeds of thread/matter which is meant to be 1 of the big advantages? 


My understanding was "you can't" and you've confirmed your understanding is also "you can't". 


It looks like I'll be moving to apple home or more likely HomeAssistant then to be able to locally control my matter/thread network of devices. 

Community Member

Found this when looking for a solution for another problem and it looks like it might solve your issue.

yep - that's what im looking for 🙂 although annoyingly seems to still not work at all in any circumstance if you aren't connected to the internet!!! but when you are connected to the will process a lot of things locally now. odd!

Hey @simonhunter87 did the solution provide by JW worked for you solution : as I'm facing a similar issue.

It's a solution as in it answers my question. 


But the answer is Google home does not give you a way to operate devices when you have no internet connection. Even with thread/matter. V disappointing