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The Best Compact, Safe Plug-in & Use

Xming Laser Engraver

Mini 1080P Projector

Xming Q1 SE

Red Dot Design Winner

Good Design Award

iF Design Award

CES Innovation Award


TÜV Rheinland


Why Native Netflix on a Projector Is a Home Theatre Game-Changer

Why Native Netflix on a Projector Is a Home Theatre Game-Changer

How many people can say they’ve always known that Netflix started out as a DVD rental service back in the late 90s? For those who don’t know, renting movies on a Friday night was the best way to kick off a weekend of watching the same movies on repeat, an early form of binge-watching.

There’s Never Been a Better Time to Buy a Laser or LED Projector

There’s Never Been a Better Time to Buy a Laser or LED Projector

Whether you need the high brightness of a laser projector or the energy efficiency of an LED projector, Formovie provides excellent options to suit your needs. Don't miss the opportunity to enhance your viewing experience with cutting-edge technology.

Xming Episode One First Impressions

Xming Episode One First Impressions

Scott Webster who writes for Android Guys says the projector’s 150 CVIA lumens and NTSC 38% color gamut gives it vibrant and accurate color details, while Derek Malcolm of Digital Trends describes it as “not blisteringly bright” but great for movie night.

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