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  • Screen

Formovie Fresnel Ultra-thin ALR Projection Screen 100-inch

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Use to Save $300

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FVSCREEN Use to Save $300
Available in the United States Only
  • No 14-Day Return and Refund Support
  • 0.5mm Ultra-Thin Rollable Diaphragms
  • Segmented Frame for Easy Assembly
  • Anti-Ghosting Supported by Patented ALR
Available Country/Region


  • Not support for 14-day unconditional return and refund.
  • 1 year manufacturer warranty: The manufacturer warrants this product to be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal residential use and conditions, for a period of one (1) year for the ordering date.
  • If you find any quality problems with the product after receiving the goods, please keep the complete video of the unboxing to provide evidence of damage during transportation.
  • If there are any product quality problems during use, please provide a video showing machine damage caused by non-human factors during usage.
  • American Express
  • Apple Pay
  • Mastercard
  • PayPal
  • Visa

1 year manufacturer warranty

2-10 days delivery from local warehouses

$1,299.00 $1,299.00
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Product Specifications

Product name



Product dimensions

Outer packaging dimensions

Net weight


Gross weight



Aluminnum alloy, PET

Aspect ratio


Optical Parameters

Peak gain value

Ambient occlusion value

Viewing angle


Projection area


