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Payment Methods and Taxes


Payment Methods

You can view the payment methods supported by Formovie on the checkout page of your order and at the bottom of the website. The common payment methods are as follows:

Credit/Debit Card Payment

The credit cards listed are the most commonly used credit cards on this site. Please note that Formovie does not collect your credit/debit card number or personal information when you make a payment.



When you place an order through Paypal, you will be redirected to the PayPal payment page where you can sign in with your PayPal username and password to confirm your payment.

You can still checkout even if you don't have a PayPal account. To do so, click on "Pay with Debit/Credit Card" and you will be redirected to a secure page where you can enter your credit card information or complete your payment securely through PayPal.


My payment failed, what should I do?

Common reasons for payment failure are as follows.

(1) Card information is incorrect (card number, name, expiration date, etc.) or the card has expired

(2) Insufficient funds on the credit/debit card

(3) Your card has been blacklisted by your bank due to a history of chargebacks. 

(4) The transaction failed the bank's anti-fraud system and the bank declined the transaction to protect the merchant.

If you fail to pay for your order, make sure you have a sufficient balance on your bank card. If everything is in order on your card, contact the card issuer to check!

Please note that if you make multiple small payments in a short period of time or if you make a particularly large one-time payment, this may cause your bank to block your payment for risk management reasons. This does not mean that there is a security risk or system problem with our website, in which case please contact your bank.

Also, your payment may have failed due to an unstable network environment, you may try to change servers or reconnect to the network and pay again.

Prices and taxes



Since Formovie has a website for worldwide customers, you can face different price components depending on your country and region. For example, some places are eligible for free shipping while other places require shipping fees. You can see the amount you need to pay for your order on the checkout page.

We default to US dollar pricing, and for some major regions, may also show you the currency of your region as a reference.

When you make a payment, depending on your location and the payment method you choose, you may incur some fees. These fees are usually charged by your bank or payment operator, so please consult them if you have any questions.

Taxes and Fees

Formovie's website is global in scope and due to the complexity of the countries from which our customers originate and to which we ship, we have no advance control over the imposition of customs duties, VAT and import surcharges or other taxes or fees, nor can we predict what taxes, if any, will be imposed and in what amounts, as these are set by your country of residence.

For the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and major European countries, there are usually no additional taxes or fees to be paid upon payment of an order. Whenever possible, we will display the taxes and fees to be paid on the checkout page. However, due to system limitations and the complexity of tax policies in different countries, for some countries we may not be able to indicate in advance the amount of taxes (if any) to be paid on the checkout page, and if necessary, a customer service specialist may contact you on the subject of taxes. You can also contact [email protected].

For some countries, you may be required to pay import charges, such as VAT, customs duties and clearance fees, to the shipping carrier at the time of delivery. Some carriers will charge additional duties at the time of delivery if duties are not paid in advance.

