Increase awareness

This might be your goal if your organization wants to:

  • Increase awareness or branding of a candidate or organization
  • Generate interest for a Public Service Announcement
  • Communicate urgent information to citizens or supporters
  • Increase visibility of a legislative issue, like taxes, education or immigration.
  • Distribute critical information
  • Issue critical updates about crisis situations to your community members

How to set up your campaign:

1. Go to Ads Manager and click the green Create button.

2. Choose the Awareness objective.

This will show your ads to people who are most likely to remember them.

3. Special Ad Categories: Select Social issues, elections or politics if your ad falls into one of these categories.

4. Set your budget and schedule. Be sure to choose the highest volume for your bidding and make sure you’ve selected the right type of budget (e..g daily vs. lifetime) for your campaign.

5. Set your performance goal

  • Maximize reach of ads

  • Maximize number of impressions

  • Maximize ad recall lift

6. Define your audience with broad targeting using as few filters as possible. Here are some of the audiences you have available:

  • Core

  • Custom

  • Lookalike

7. Select Advantage+ placements

8. Set your optimization to ad recall lift

9. Develop your ad creative, using a mix of video and static images.

10. Edit your ad copy, publish and you’re done!