Engaging your community

This might be your goal if your organization wants to:

  • Get out the vote leading up to election day
  • Prevent potentially harmful behavior and change for the better
  • Engage with your community through messaging experiences across Messenger, WhatsApp or Instagram Direct
  • Inspire and motivate action amongst your supporters
  • Share important progress about impactful programs to your community

How to set up your campaign:

1. Go to Ads Manager and click the green Create button.

2. Choose the Engagement objective.

Get more video views, post engagement, Page likes or event responses

3. Special Ad Categories: Select Social issues, elections or politics if your ad falls into one of these categories.

4. Set your budget and schedule. Be sure to choose the highest volume for your bidding and make sure you’ve selected the right type of budget (e.g. daily vs. lifetime) for your campaign.

5. Conversion Location:

  • Messaging Apps: Get people to engage with your organization on Messenger, WhatsApp or Instagram

  • On your ad: Get people to watch a video or interact with your post or event

  • Website: Get people to engage with your website
    • Note: Meta Pixel is required for this conversion location

  • App: Get people to engage with your app

  • Facebook Page: Get people to engage with your Facebook Page

6a. Set your performance goal

If you want people to engage with your post

6b. Set your performance goal

If you want people to have a conversation with you through messaging

7. Define your audience with broad targeting using as few filters as possible.

Here are some of the audiences you have available:

  • Core

  • Custom

  • Lookalike

8. Select Advantage+ placements

9. Develop your ad creative, using a mix of video and static images.

10. Edit your ad copy, publish and you’re done!