work in progress — I really appreciate that tag editing is a thing we...

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

b-a-n-d-e-r asked:

I really appreciate that tag editing is a thing we have now… but coming from someone who uses this option lots: it can be a little overly fiddly to use. Specifically, the fact that at least on desktop clicking off a tag doesn't enter it and that if you accidentally try to move on to doing anything else without first making sure you have pressed enter (or comma IF it's the first time with the tag but not if you're editing it!! then comma will not work!!) it won't let you do anything else without telling you why until you go back, find the tag that hasn't been entered, click into it, and press enter (not comma! that doesn't work!) and then and only then can you continue to do things… maybe this could be fixed?

Answer: Hi, @b-a-n-d-e-r.

Thank you for your report! We are happy to let you know that we have started looking into it and believe it to be a bug, it transpires. We hope it will be fixed very soon, too, so keep an eye out for the usual channels, here at @wip or @changes, for any news. It shouldn't be too long, as we say.

Regarding the comma not working as “enter” when editing, we can confirm this is intended. Otherwise, you be unable to add any commas to your tags, which is not something we want you to stop doing!

Thanks for your question, and have a great day.

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