work in progress (Posts tagged misc)

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the-best-url-on-this-site asked:

Hey can I much say thank you to whoever ( if they're still working at Tumblr) decided that large groups of notes should be grouped together in 20s and 30s? Instead of having them all individually?

My post got 20k notes in a week and that was a life saver.

Thank you

Answer: This is very kind, @the-best-url-on-this-site.

We can say how glad we are to hear that it has helped! Getting a ton of notes in a short time period can indeed be pretty overwhelming in “Activity.” Consider this music to our ears!


—Cyle (Tumblr Engineering)

feature notes posting backend misc

unit00 asked:

a lot of questions sent here seem to get replied to with "we'd love to do this, but we have higher priorities right now/other stuff we're working on so we can't take on more." and that's cool. but i was wondering if you're able to tell us some of the stuff that's in the works? or are you not allowed to tell us that for some reason? thanks for all your hard work.

Answer: Hello, @unit00!

A very good question, nay, an important question, and one we are very glad to answer.

There are a couple of parts here. First, it is correct that we can’t talk about everything before we start experimenting with it and launching it. These big projects take months to build, and we’re a small team for the size of the ship we are running and what we build and maintain each day. We do try to tease things in the Upcoming section of the @changes blog when we feel comfortable doing so.

It’s also fair to say that we always post something about our bigger things that come out via @staff, like this and this and this, for example. Those are big projects, and all took time, effort, and resources to build. There are also twice-weekly posts on @changes about the other medium-sized and smaller things that we’re building and fixing. Even that is a small slice of how the platform shifts every day! There’s a lot happening every day across Tumblr in terms of us fixing bugs and pushing code. Tumblr is bigger than you think! 

Finally, as for WIP itself, it’s equally fair to say that we receive a lot of feedback and suggestions of ideas that we love the sound of—or indeed ideas that we have had ourselves!—but are unable to start working on because of other projects. Like the rest of our platform, we at WIP do everything we can to answer as many, and as wider range, of your questions each week. This, too, takes a lot of time and work, but don’t get us wrong—it’s work we love to do and work that’s good for the wider health of our platform.

We hope this helps—and keep the feedback coming! Have a great day.


—Cyle & Caroline (Tumblr Engineering)

editorial backend misc tumblr feedback

cradiot28 asked:

Why doesn't Cyle know who's Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran????

What is Cyle's music taste, I'm very curious

Answer: Hello @cradiot28, excellent question.

Have you heard of Aphex Twin? Look ’em up. Expand your palette. You’re welcome.


—Cyle (Tumblr Engineering)


Bonus Answers:

hello from your local kpop fangirl 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️

—Caroline (Tumblr Engineering)


My music taste can be encapsulated as follows:

I hiked some mountains one recent weekend. When I got back, I ran a hot bath, lit some candles, poured a glass of white wine, and listened to music. Including, for example, this music. The wine was lovely, as was the candle. The music was watery, and the water was musical. It’s safe to say I have never quite known such intense relaxation, and I doubt I ever will again.

Alternatively, my music taste can be pretty much boiled down to these Earth-shattering four minutes and 30 seconds.

—Jon (Tumblr Marketing)

editorial cyle misc

localdorkincombatboots asked:

For any of y'all staff members who've been on/working for Tumblr for a while: what have been some of your all time favorite memes?

Hey there, @localdorkincombatboots.

Why, we thought you’d never ask…


look at you, making me choose between my favorite children :< but i suppose i could highlight a few. just for you.

  • this one‘s for a show that i don’t even watch, but i feel it in my soul
  • i love the x as text posts format
  • these friendly crabs (actually the inspiration for our april fool’s day crabs!)
  • this absolute banger

—Caroline (Tumbly Engineering)


Something I’ve found really funny recently is counterfeit posts. It’s unique to Tumblr, a beautiful result of people taking the formatting options to the extreme conclusion of imitating the Tumblr interface itself.

As for all-time, though… my favorite meme format has gotta be YouTube Poops. I especially love when Hotel Mario voice clips are included. Toys Gone Wild and Civil Defivil stand out as ones that use them expertly. Warning for adult language for both!

—April (Tumblr Engineering)


Picking a favorite meme is like picking your favorite color of the sky. I’m at a loss—I am fundamentally incapable of narrowing it down to just one. Picking just one winner would make all the others lose the game, which I’d feel terrible about. Every time a fresh new meme comes around, I get so distracted by it that I turn my head and forget the previous one. I am awfully fond of this meme, though.

—Cates (Tumblr Marketing)


I take every opportunity to use Spiders Georg, that’s definitely my all-time favorite. I’m also loving the Breaking Bad resurgence on Tumblr, especially these very specific videos editing Breaking Bad into Mario games.

—Elena (Tumblr Design)


Hands-down it’s Hide The Pain Harold, not only because he’s just so often relatable but also because he’s a real and delightful person.

—James (Tumblr Community Support)


Where to begin? Whatever I answer, I will remember something else later this week and regret what’s written here. However, the best I can do for now is as follows:

Not a meme exactly, but I do enjoy the anti-TikTok videos you see of people being filmed, while filming TikToks. The instant they realize they are being recorded is just delicious every time. The Grand Theft Auto, Here we go again… is very funny, and echoes in my internal monologue several times each week.

Also really enjoy the Luke Skywalker, end of Return of the Jedi, Me taking one last look at the party before i leave early and announced

—Jon (Tumblr Marketing)


—Your good friends at WIP.

editorial misc memes real humans are present real humans are still present

zopf-international asked:

Hi Tumblr good people. It seems I have dropped of the map. I took a break from social media and now that I'm back I have zero views on my new page and very few likes on my many others. I don't know how to review this. I understand the 'following for following' trend, and giving likes, but no one is visiting my page. Help! What can I do?

Hey there, @zopf-international!

The good news is you’ve come to the right place, and we have some great places to get started.

Firstly, we would suggest checking out our very own Hellsite High—more specifically for you, we would recommend having a look at the “Getting Noticed” tips.

In a more general sense, we encourage using it however you like! But one key way of getting yourself out there is searching for stuff you like. Another great tip we would share is following tags so that new content will pop up in your dashboard. Then if you’re following someone you like, look at who they’re reblogging from. Click through and scroll through that blog, and if you like their content, give them a follow too… and so it goes.

Remember that Tumblr isn’t just reblogging—for example, liking lots of stuff will also make your recommends page, aka “For you” in the dashboard, more interesting. And encourage you to dive deeper and get noticed!

It’s also worth noting that our Help Center has some great resources for getting started. For you, we would recommend Search and Discovery.

Finally, we would recommend Tumblr Blaze. A quick ‘n’ easy way of swapping a few dollars for a whole lot of eyes on your post.

Thanks for the question, and we hope this helps!


—The Tumblr WIP team.

editorial posting misc

toothsheeran asked:

what do you think about ed sheeran

Good day to you, @toothsheeran.

We today have an answer for you, in two parts, to the imperative question you raise with us here at WIP: The Ed Sheeran Question. We’ve been expecting you.


Jon (Tumblr Marketing): This question struck me as considerable happenstance, as it was only in the past week I was looking at Ed Sheeran’s Wikipedia, and looking him up, on Google. Nae, the doubters say, ‘Tis far too inconvenient: I don’t believe for one moment you were actually Googling Mr Sheeran, or researching his Wikipedia profile, only to find this WIP question nestling in your inbox just days later I simply do not believe it!, they say.


Look upon my search history, ye mighty, and despair!

So it is true I was Googling Ed Sheeran, and the extent of my thoughts are these: Wow, I thought, Ed Sheeran went to prep school. Didn’t expect thatWow, I thought, Ed Sheeran was voted by school classmates as “most likely to be famous”. This made me consider my own school experiences: I was, unfortunately, voted “most likely to work at McDonald’s”. Some wounds never truly heal, I can assure you.

My thoughts continue. I recalled earlier school days, in which my classmates and I would gather in hallways with our tatty jumpers and baggy rucksacks which would swing around like potatoes in a sack, and play Ed Sheeran’s very first recordings through the weak speakers of our mobile phones. We marvelled at the young man’s talent, and it seems remarkable—and a touch melancholy—to reflect on these days now. At this time, Mr Sheeran was merely a word-of-mouth phenomenon. We didn’t know it, but we young sproglets were at the cutting edge of popular music! More than ten years later, and Mr Sheeran is now a pop culture behemoth! He is also a close acquaintance of Tay-Tay, or so I am informed by Lindsay, an esteemed colleague here at Tumblr.

My thoughts continue still. In the ten years since Mr Sheeran’s meteoric rise, a rise that has born witness to more than 150 million records sold worldwide, Spotify’s second most streamed artist of the decade, Brit Awards for Best British Male Solo Artist and British Breakthrough Act, a second studio album, x, which has topped charts around the world and won Album of the Year at the 2015 Brit Awards, and the Ivor Novello Award for Songwriter of the Year from the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors, Mr Sheeran has become noted for his flaming red hair. As it happens I too have flaming red hair. This has led to an unfortunate increase in incidents whence I stroll the streets by moonlight, letting the day’s thoughts rest and percolate, when various street urchins (drunk, I imagine) have felt at liberty to shout “Oi! Ed Sheeran!” at me.

That concludes my thoughts on Ed Sheeran; thoughts which, I fear, say considerably more about my person than that of singer-songwriter, record producer, and actor, Ed Sheeran.


Cyle (Tumblr Engineering): Who’s Ed Sheehan


—Jon (Tumblr Marketing) & Cyle (Tumblr Engineering)

editorial edsheeranitorial getit ed sheeran misc

kilopankui asked:

Hace tiempo que no entraba a mi blog y veo que han hecho muchos cambios. En qué consiste la propina que me aparece en algunos blogs? Gracias

English translation: I haven’t been to my blog for a long time and I see that they have made many changes. What is the tip that appears on some blogs? Thank you

Spanish: ¡Hola, @kilopankui!

Que bueno tenerte de nuevo en Tumblr. 🙂 Seguro que te perdiste algunas cosas. En el blog @equipo vas a encontrar novedades y tips en español.

Ahora los blogs pueden recibir propinas, en el siguiente link vas a encontrar más información.

¡Esperamos que esto te ayude, y que tengas un buen día!


—L (Tumblr Engineering)

English translation: Hello, @kilopankui!

We are happy to have you back at Tumblr. 🙂 You certainly have missed a few things. You can see platform announcements on @staff, latest updates on @changes, and tips on how to use the platform on @tips.

Blogs can now enable tipping—read more about it on the following link:

We hope this helps, and have a good day!


—L (Tumblr Engineering)

editorial tipping tips posting misc

spacetypo asked:

Would you ever consider releasing more shoelace colours in the future? I’d love a pair that’s the classic tumblr blue!

Hello, @spacetypo!

An excellent question! We’re continually reviewing our merch options and will be looking into it very soon. We’re sorry we can’t promise anything more solid than this right now—but we love this idea. So keep your eyes peeled!


—Jon (Tumblr Marketing)

editorial shop tumblr shop merch misc

vraist asked:

Also, as much as I support tumblr making a move toward monetization (I'm glad it's survived for so long, all things considered) I really hope your team is looking into figures like Yael Eisenstat who have spoken out about the business model of companies like Meta. Please operate differently. This is the only social media I use because it's been able to escape the trend of toxicity, emotional manipulation and extremism. It's not only due to the community on Tumblr, but the way the site has been designed for all these years. I hope Tumblr grows in a way that leads the way for humane social networking sites going forward and doesn't follow in the footsteps of the sites that are literally fuelling the deterioration of civil society. If there's a better email or person I can share these sentiments with, don't hesitate to let me know.

Hey there, @vraist!

First things first: thank you for raising these points. They’re all extremely important to us and at the core of what we value at Tumblr. It’s also what we want to continue supporting well into the future. Ultimately, we want to do it as well as possible to give you all the best possible Hellsite—and the best possible community. So feedback like this is gladly appreciated.

In fact, that feedback and the questions you send to us each week are a vital part of that. So please do keep it rollin’!


—Cyle (Tumblr Engineering)

editorial subscriptions misc tumblr feedback

allthegleefeelings asked:

Hello, the 'where were we' feature on desktop seems not to work properly. After clicking the blue button we used to have endless scrolling, lately it only loads 10 posts total and that's it. Is this permanent? I can't catch up with my dash. If I may, skimming page by page is tiring and time-cosuming. For what it's worth, bring back endless scrolling by pagination like the one we had with the old interface, if posible. Thank you.

Hey, @allthegleefeelings.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It seems you’ve found a bug!

The bad news, in short, is that it happens consistently for some and randomly for others, and seems to occur across all browsers. Reloading the page or navigating to another will get the infinite scroll back into a working state, but you will lose your spot in the dashboard. The good news is that we started looking into it in the last week and we are working on it. In the meantime, stay tuned to @changes.

Big thanks also to @spooky-jumpropes, who asked a similar question. We hope this helps.


Jon (Tumblr Marketing)

bug backend misc tumblr feedback desktop