Harasser of Mythical Creatures (Posts tagged marvel)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Thinking about how every story where some guy travels across dimensions involves him meeting a bunch of himself with different unique traits, and then one of them is just “you but a girl.” And you know what, it would be frankly hilarious to me if there was a story where dude goes to other dimensions and every alternate version of him is a woman. Surprise, he is the token guy variant of a usually-female character. :D

You could also do this with the ‘token girl’ as the main character But I think itd be funnier this way River rambles story prompts humor spiderman dc marvel Loki superman batman deadpool I could go on sometimes the variant isnt dimensional Its just batwoman or supergirl But the dimensional variants is my primary target here At least spiderman subverted this by only having peter parker be the most common variant And theres lots of other spiderpeople of both genders

I would like to issue a petition to put the MCU in the Time Out box for making too many movies that kill off an important character. Marvel should have to let everyone live for at least three consecutive movies (and not be trapped or maimed in horrific circumstances) to teach them to play nice with their toys! You’re like Sid from Toy Story at this point! QUIT IT!

Marvel Mcu spoilers thor love and thunder spiderman 3 dr strange its getting just obnoxious at this point Please can we have some plotlines where the good guys save the day without a Dramatic Death I miss those days

We’ve seen DC and Marvel crossovers and Magical Girl and Mech crossovers, but what I really want to see is a crossover of Superheroes, Magical Girls, and Mechs and they all fit in their usual genres but chalk each others’ unique genres up as simple cultural oddities.

“You have an uncomfortable number of teenage girls wielding devastating magical power over here in Japan.”

“YOU have an uncomfortable number of teenagers and children fighting world-ending threats WITHOUT magical powers.”

“SOME of them are magic! And most of ours have at least some adult supervision.”

“Hey, ours all have magic animal sidekicks or teams!”

*giant mech goes clanking through the city*

“…And how old do you have to be to drive one of THOSE?”

“It varies, but the standard age for mech pilot school entry is 10.”

“I really hope THEY don’t have magical or super powers.”

“Well there was this one kid who was all three…”

superheroes dc comics marvel anime magical girls mecha humor story prompts river babbles

It has occurred to me that Thor and the Asgardians would probably get along great with the Flat Earthers.

I mean…


What would they find odd about it?

flat earth marvel thor asgard flat earth theory humor mcu loki river babbles avengers seriously though how does their planet work it’s one big space country floating in space where is the water coming from its all draining off the sides maybe it gets sucked into the gravitational field of the giant iceberg on the bottom and moves its way up to some hotspot where it melts this is a deep rabbit hole I must pull back now before its too late

All you WandaVision posters just keep doing what you’re doing, I’ll be over here gleaning the interesting bits and summaries because yes I am curious and I like these characters but also I have a good idea which comic book storyline this was inspired by and what’s probably going to happen and how mean Marvel has been to their characters, and let me tell you, I am not mentally prepared to directly expose myself to that level of emotional grief, especially in the fashion of weekly cliffhanger episodes.

P.S. Marvel why are you like this, when can we have plain ol’ “superheroes fighting bad guys instead of their own failures and internal traumas” again, give me PEACE

wandavision marvel I can read about it but unless they pull a really pleasant plot twist and Vision isnt actually dead somehow Watching this episodically would mess me up I’ll let you know after the season is over if I can handle a binge session




“In fact, during the audition with Chris Evans, the script says, “Spidey flips into scene,” and Tom goes, “Oh, should I do that?” Evans is like, [sarcastically] “Oh, yeah. Yeah, you just flip into the scene kid. No, you just walk in.” He does it. A standing flip, jump, flip, land. Even Chris Evans was like, “What…what happened?” - Kevin Feige, producer and President of Marvel

You hire Spider-Man and you freaking got Spider-Man.

Come on Chris, Steve Rogers would have believed he could do it!!!

humor tom spiderman chris evans marvel gifs screen test