Creating a new board

Boards can be thought of as containers for cards. A board can represent anything and has a wide variety of uses! You could use it to manage a project, track your progress, or use it as a resource for anything you need to accomplish.

Create a new board

Create a new board from anywhere in Trello by clicking “Create” in the header, then selecting "Create Board…" in the drop-down menu.

Enter a name for your new board, then select the Workspace it should be associated with. You can also adjust the board's visibility or select a new background before creating it as well.

If you’re concerned about privacy within your Workspace, you can tweak the Board Visibility settings to decide who should have access to your board: everybody or just those you invite.

All boards are required to be in a Workspace. you can choose one of your existing Workspaces. You can also Create a new Workspace if you don’t have any available.

Board Access

You can invite members to your board, your Workspace, or both. Granting members access to your newly created board does not automatically add them to the Workspace.

See Also:

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