Get the most out of your Premium Workspace

We have created a dedicated page helping you set up your Premium Workspace. Primarily, we're going to cover six things on this page:

  • Getting Organized

  • Super Administrators

  • Member Restrictions

  • The New Member's Page

  • Exporting your data

  • and Billing

That's a lot to cover, so let's get started.

Getting organized

After you purchase Premium, you might want to go through your members and boards and clean things up. Make sure every member of your Workspace is supposed to be there, and add anything that's missing. You can use the Members page within the sidebar to speed up the process.

It's important to make sure that any board related to your Workspace is actually a part of the Workspace. You should see the Workspace name next to the board name. If you don't see it, you can move the board to your Workspace.

Ask your members to do this for all the boards they use on a regular basis that aren't currently associated with your Premium Workspace. This will help keep everything in one place moving forward.

Workspace administrators

With Premium, Workspace administrators have additional capabilities.

As an admin, you can now see and make changes to any board within your Workspace, even if you're not explicitly a member of that board. As a Workspace admin, you can access the following pages in the Workspace Overview:

Member restrictions

Premium offers several new ways to manage your Workspace's members. To start, you can choose to restrict who can be added to your Workspace by email domain. This can be useful if you want to ensure that only company employees get added to the Workspace.

You can also control who is allowed to create public boards, Workspace-visible boards, and private boards within your Workspace, and you can decide if you want to allow non-Workspace members to be able to join your boards.

One more thing we added for individual boards is the ability to add Observers, which gives someone read-only access to a board. This is great for inviting contractors and other types of users who you want to be able to monitor your project without changing it.

The members page

For each member, you get an at-a-glance view of the boards to which a person belongs as well as what cards they have within the Workspace. 

If someone leaves your Workspace, Premium will give you the ability to deactivate a user in addition to simply removing them. This lets you remove the user's access to your Workspace boards while still seeing the cards to which they were assigned. This is more flexible than the default Remove feature, which will remove a user's access to your Workspace cards and boards, but doesn't let you see the cards they were a member of.

While you're at the members page, consider setting up a few additional administrators for your Workspace. Having multiple admins helps you to smoothly transition the administration of your Workspace in case one of your admins is no longer working with you.

Exporting your data

Having all your boards in one place makes it easy to export all your data at once. On your Workspace page in Trello, open the Export page within the sidebar and click on the “Create a new export” button. You can even include attachments. This will generate a zip file that you can open on your desktop.


Click on the Billing link within the sidebar to see your billing information. You can specify a billing contact who should receive billing emails, update your credit card, and add additional details to your invoices and receipts.

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