Organization Visible boards

We're going through some changes! Trello Teams are now Workspaces. Soon, all boards will be in a Workspace. You might see us mention Teams in a few places as we're going through these changes. Thanks for your patience!

The Organization Visible option for boards is a Trello Enterprise feature. It introduces a new level of board visibility for Enterprise users. When a board is created or set as ‘Organization Visible,’ it means that managed users and Enterprise Workspace members (on any Workspace that is owned by the Enterprise) can view the board, regardless of the Workspace the board is in.

Organization Visible boards allow for the creation of boards that can be visible to all members of the Enterprise, rather than just the members of a certain Workspace. The feature is designed to support customers with large footprints in Trello who may have a need for certain boards to be seen by everyone but also find that adding everyone in the company to one Workspace to enable that today is inefficient and cumbersome. Some examples of boards that could be set as company visible are: 'OKR/Targets,' 'On-boarding,' 'Growth Plans and Other Templates,' 'Company Events,' 'Office Management,' etc.

In its default state, any board admin within the Enterprise can create an Organization Visible board or change the visibility of an existing board to expand its visibility to all members of the Enterprise, including managed or licensed users of the Enterprise.

Create an Organization Visible board

Boards created within an Enterprise default to ‘Workspace Visible.’ To change the visibility to Organization Visible, click on the caret icon beside ‘Workspace Visible’ and choose ‘Organization:’

Board visibility

Update the visibility of an existing board to Organization Visible

A board admin can navigate to the visibility dropdown in the top left corner of the navigation bar and choose ‘Organization’ from the available options:

Boards with their visibility set to ‘Organization Visible’ behave exactly like any other Trello board and are subject to the same Enterprise permissions as any other board, the only difference is the visibility setting dictating who can see the board.

Enterprise admins can control who within the Enterprise is allowed to create ‘Organization Visible’ boards via the ‘Workspace Settings’ page on their Enterprise Admin Dashboard. 

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