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  • Showing 11 posts tagged theme: honeysuckle
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    Anonymous sent a message

    first of all, i do hope the heatwave gets better in you area! and please do take care of yourself and hope you are doing well! secondly, i have your theme honeysuckle and so far i am loving it, but i was wondering if one could change the cursor? i just wanted to make sure before doing so, because i know you could paste the html but don't know where exactly. thanks in advance!

  • seyche replied

    thank you for your concern! it’s a little better but still hot unfortunately. summer is just NOT my time of year.

    you can change the cursor on honeysuckle or any of my other themes by finding the CSS selector body at the top of the theme and using the cursor property so it looks like:

    body {

    cursor: your-cursor-here;


    fill in the bold with your cursor value of course. you can pick from one of the CSS defaults here or here or use an image/svg.

    although I do just want to mention that custom cursors can be really difficult for users with low vision (such as myself - I can’t really navigate themes with custom cursors) or for motor issues, so if you’d like to use a custom cursor like an image or something, I’d recommend picking something that’s going to be visible and won’t blend in with the background 💙

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    creaturebloom sent a message

    i am so glad i stumbled on your themes, they're all incredibly stunning ! i am using honeysuckle for a side-blog of mine, however i was wondering if there's a way to disable showing avatars on posts? thanks ! and thank you again for making such lovely themes, they're all quite impressive +)

  • seyche replied

    thank you!

    and yes, just add:

    .capicon, .username::before {display: none;}

    to the CSS above </style>.

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    Anonymous sent a message

    hi ^^ im using your theme honeysuckle and it's gorgeous! is there any way for me to stop my mobile description from showing up on desktop? thank you in advance and i love all that you do

  • seyche replied

    your mobile description is the same description that shows up in the sidebar of honeysuckle. to hide it, add #description {display: none;} above </style> in the CSS.

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    Anonymous sent a message

    I'm the anon w the honeysuckle query; i'm so sorry to bother you with that query. It kinda fixed itself when I reduced the font size (???) But thank you so much for your help; I didn't think you would reply so soon. Sorry for the inconvenience again.

  • seyche replied

    no problem; but just FYI (you or anyone else), i deliberately coded the sidebar in honeysuckle to be that way when i updated it. if the sidebar content overflows the height of the screen, the sidebar will start to scroll automatically, and a scrollbar will appear at the right side of the sidebar (the grey border you observed). i know a lot of people don’t like scrollbars on content like that, but the scrollbar is important for accessibility reasons, and if it wasn’t set to scroll, you’d have overlapping elements or elements getting cut off in the sidebar.

    plus, if the sidebar is overflowing and you don’t like the scrollbar, you can always stop the scrollbar from showing up by reducing the content (i.e. cutting your description down) or reducing the font size.

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    answer post by
    Anonymous sent a message

    hi, i have a question about 'honeysuckle'. i noticed that the alt text for images (the little caption when you click on a picture) that helps with accessibility doesn't show up on this theme. i've tried a few things i know have worked for me in the past on simpler themes, and they didn't work for me here, and i was wondering if you could help me figure it out. i love love love you themes! thank you!

  • seyche replied

    by “alt text”, i assume you mean the photoset lightbox captions, which tumblr renders as separate from alt text (which is intended for screen readers)? even though you can still add them when making a photoset post, it doesn’t seem like you can see them any more on either the dashboard or desktop blog themes, regardless of what the lightbox code is (just tested it myself). i assume that’s something the dashboard update has mostly done away with. re: the lightboxes on honeysuckle, i don’t believe the lightbox code will render them and i have no idea how to add them since it seems like tumblr’s trying to get rid of them and there’s no proper documentation for them.

    if you mean alt text which is designed to provide a text description of images for people who use screen readers, the most recent versions of my themes should include alt text with the exception of some of my oldest themes, so you can update your theme from the pinned post on my blog. on photo and photoset post, tumblr appears to use the photo caption directly as alt text rather than the lightbox caption. 

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    Anonymous sent a message

    hii! i was just wondering about your honeysuckle theme and how i can make the post spaces wider?? like if i view it on home, the posts kinda looked squeezed together and i'm not sure how i can adjust the sizes ^^;;

  • seyche replied

    well, make sure you’re using the updated version because the original version didn’t allow you to change the post margins from within the customization panel. if you aren’t, just reinstall it from my pastebin or github.

    then all you have to do is go into the customization panel and change the post margin number to whatever you want.


    (also i’m not 100% sure what you mean by “home” but just so you know, if you’re looking at your blog from the customization panel, the customization panel is ridiculously buggy and it doesn’t display certain elements of the theme properly. if you want to see what your theme actually looks like, save and exit the customization panel and look at your blog in a new tab).

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    Anonymous sent a message

    omg thank you so much for being so quick and responsive, i didn't expect an answer to come this quick. you're the best T_T one more question about the honeysuckle theme on mobile, is it possible to alter the space between the sticky top navigation (i think it's called header in your code? but i'm probably wrong again D:) and the first post? thank you in advance!

  • seyche replied

    find this exact line of code underneath @media only screen and (max-width: 1099px):

    .posts:first-of-type {margin-top: 160px; padding: 0 auto {text:post margin}px auto;}

    and increase or decrease margin-top: 160px; to whatever you want, just make sure you don’t change any of the other values or else it will get messed up.

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    Anonymous sent a message

    may i know how to edit the padding (i think thats what its called?) on mobile? T.T i'm trying to make the body text portion wider but it won't budge...

  • seyche replied

    sorry!!! i’m the anon from earlier who asked about mobile body text width. i was referring to the theme “honeysuckle”!

    that’s because it’s width, not padding! first, make sure you’re using the updated version of the code. then search for this line of code underneath @media only screen and (max-width: 670px): 

    .posts {width: 75vw;}

    and increase 75vw to whatever you want, but keep it under 100vw.

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    photo post by
“ theme five: honeysuckle — a theme aimed at text-heavy and writing blogs, but works with any kind of posts. focuses on readable text and larger post sizes. (updated may 5, 2020)
preview / code: pastebin, github
• optional 70px x...
  • theme five: honeysuckle — a theme aimed at text-heavy and writing blogs, but works with any kind of posts. focuses on readable text and larger post sizes. (updated may 5, 2020)

    preview / code: pastebin, github


    • optional 70px x 70px icon
    • post sizes: 450px, 500px, 540px, 600px, 650px
    • optional search bar
    • show/hide/hover tags, show/hide note count on index page
    • NEW: improved options for text styling — option for left or justified text, more colours, and more
    • NEW: improved compatibility for npf photosets, and will convert the first npf photoset in a post to a regular photoset
    • up to 5 custom links, all colours customizable
    • responsive for mobile devices
    • FIXES: fixed issue where sidebar wasn’t scrolling properly when content overflowed, fixed issue where mobile slide-in sidebar would sometimes disappear after resizing the browser window

    note: tumblr’s customize page is buggy as hell. if something doesn’t look right, try switching all the options on and off, and then save and exit. it should look fine on your actual blog.


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    answer post by
    Anonymous sent a message

    Hi there! First of all, I LOVE all of your themes, they're all I use anymore on any of my main blog / sideblogs, they're just so nice and clean and minimalistic but at the same time still interesting visually which is so hard to do? Idk how to describe it but ♥ ♥ ♥ I do have a question though: Is it possible to make the "Keep Reading" / "Read More" link that shortens posts in the dashboard, if inserted, visible with the same purpose in the Honeysuckle theme?

  • seyche replied

    first of all, thank you for the compliment! but unfortunately that’s a tumblr bug and i don’t know how to get rid of it. it just seems like until tumblr gets their shit together, it’s going to stick around.

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