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    How to show active pages

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  • While I was redoing my base code, I wanted to have a better way of showing which page I was on in the theme’s navigation.

    First make classes for each page type using their blocks. I put this in the class attribute for <body>:

    <body class=“{block:HomePage}home{/block:HomePage}{block:AskPage}ask{/block:AskPage}{block:SubmitPage}submit{/block:SubmitPage}-page”>

    Then select those classes in your theme’s CSS. In my base code I’m using .links for my navigation, so replace that with the selector for your links.

    .home-page .links a[href=“/”], .ask-page .links a[href=“/ask”], .submit-page .links a[href=“/submit”]

    Using those selectors, you can add whatever styling you want your active links to have. You can see how I styled it on @eggbasecode.

    To do this for custom pages (the ones added with {block:HasPages}), I made a more in depth guide!

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  • are some of the people newer to tumblr aware of the joys of theme customization on desktop? I know some ppl are just on mobile so they can’t really change things but like SO many blogs nowadays have 0 theme customization and just use the default theme and I’m beginning to wonder if they even know about the option. It’s one of the main reasons why I still use tumblr

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    this post is not to be mean to people for not knowing btw. i just think its good for people to know bc page customization is one of the things that is slowly disappearing from the internet and i suspect that many ppl don’t even realize its something they can do on here bc they’re so used to their only customization options being like a pfp and maybe a header image. The option to do so here is something I desperately want to preserve since its a fantastic middle ground between the bare bones profile customization of twitter and like. coding an entire webpage from scratch.

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    like for people who don’t know, this is what my blog looks like if you visit it on desktop, outside of the dashboard popups


    desktop users who have no theme this is the life you could be living

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    ppl in the tags asking how to do this, or who did not even know it was an option, here’s a very quick how to:

    1. choose a theme. this is the easy part, search “blog themes” or “html themes” in the tumblr search bar, there are MANY blogs out there dedicated to curating lists of free tumblr themes. Find one you like and save the code in a seperate tab. I would probably check to make sure the theme was not created too long ago, as tumblr website changes over the years have broken some older codes/themes. I would also try to find a theme with lots of customization options, as this makes it easier to make your blog totally unique looking, even if you are unfamiliar with html.

    2. either go to your blog’s actual page [] and click on the little paint palette icon that shows up in the top right corner, OR you go to your blog’s appearance settings, there should be a button that says “edit themes”

    3. once you open the blog theme editor, there should be an option to edit html in the top left corner. Select and delete ALL of the present code. Then, paste in the code of your preferred tumblr theme and hit save. You may have to exit and reenter the customization page for the full effects to take place.

    4. From this point on, customize to your heart’s content! Just make sure if you are using a theme made by someone else, that you don’t accidentally remove their credits. This can’t really happen unless you are editing the html directly though, so you likely don’t have to worry.

    Keep in mind, messing around with tumblr themes still takes time, even if you’re not doing it all from scratch. Think of it like decorating an empty room. It will take time and effort, and it’s not at all necessary, but it’s worth it to make your space feel more like yours.

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    I always wanted to customize my page but like…any time i see “html” and it has to deal with customizing a page I cry and run away like a scared puppy. So FOR NOW, I’m going to be boring to avoid the utter anguish and despair I’d feel—

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    i promise you, if you find a theme with customization built in, the only time you will be touching the html is to copypaste it into the theme editor

    tumblr has this great function that allows theme creators - the people doing all the html work for you - to put options like colors, changing the size of images and posts on your blog, the text font, etc, into user-friendly buttons and selection screens. Most html themes nowadays have at least a few of these built in! Mine looks like this


    you see? no html knowledge required, very simple to use, and still beautiful and unique!

    also, if you are still worried, tumblr has the option to revert everything back to the default state, or even restore previous themes. Your blog won’t be bunked up forever if you mess up some html editing if you DO decide to explore. Go ham!

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  • A screenshot of an individual post from "fukuo". The post contains filtered tags with the following: spoilters, hellsite, and tumblr secrets. Below the tags, there is a button that says "View posts" to fully show the post that has been covered with an overlay.ALT

    How to implement the filtered tag posts on your blog theme

    You can use this to prevent posts with certain tags or your own custom tags from showing up on your blog. The filtered posts will have an overlay obscuring the post itself with an explanation of why the post was filtered along with the option to view the post if you'd like.

    This post is not going to explain the details, you'll be just provided an instruction to implement this on your blog. You need to be familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript before proceeding with this.

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    sammy-black87 sent a message

    Hello, I love your themes and I adore them very much, also a question, would you teach me how to make a theme? like yours, they are a #1 fan of your nwn themes

    posatad: i hope you don't bother too much

  • glenthemes replied

    Hello, thank you for your kind words and interest! Whilst I myself don’t have any in-depth tutorials on how to make themes, I do have a few links that can get you started.

    The fastest way to learn (in my opinion) is to play around with code hands-on. Luckily, there are quite a few base codes out there that’re made to be experimented on:

    And here are a few functionality resources for making your theme run more smoothly, as an alternative to using the “tumblr defaults”:

    You can also check out my #learning, #advice, and #theme-making tags for even more resources! Hope this helps.

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  • using javascript on tumblr pages – how to ask support for permission

    ✧ What is happening?

    As of early May 2022, you might have gotten this message when trying to save edits on your custom pages or when trying to install new ones:

    “Looks like you’re trying to add some Javascript or invalid html to your page. You’ll need to contact Support if you’d like to use Javascript.”

    ✧ Why is this happening?

    Tumblr is preventing potential malicious uses of javascript and decided to ban any form of javascript on your pages, and for now the only way to re-enable it is to “contact Support”.

    More info:

    ✧ How to contact support:

    Just “contact Support” is vague enough in itself, so here’s a quick guide on what to write in your request to them so you can get approved asap. Please note that it may take some time for them to process your request. This exact method isn’t guaranteed, but here’s what I did that got me approved within a week.

    1. Go to

    2. In the Category option, choose “Customizing your Tumblr”.


    3. In the message box, list out all the blogs you want to use custom pages on. Then, give a brief description of what you use those blogs for. You only need to state the blog names, *not* each of the custom page urls, or the javascript file links. Here’s a template:


    (Remember the please & thankyous! Staff are flooded with requests right now so be mindful).

    4. Skip the Attachment part.

    5. For the Relevant Blog option, pick your main blog (the very first blog you created on your account)


    6. For the Account Email, enter the email you use to sign in to Tumblr

    7. Complete the Captcha and wait for the tick ✓ to show

    8. Click Next.

    9. You’ll reach the “Does any of this help?” screen. No, it does not. Scroll to the bottom and click “No, send my thing”.

    And done! You’ll receive a confirmation email from staff that they’ve received your request. They will not send you a reply if your blogs have been approved for javascript usage. You need to check your custom pages every few days to see if you can save any edits, or if you can install new ones.

    ✲ edit: they do send you a reply, but you might’ve already been granted javascript usage approval *before* they send an email back!

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“ ₊⁺ GRIDDERY ⁺₊ Inspired by David DeSandro’s masonry, griddery is a script that automatically organizes divs into a grid without relying on .height() and position:absolute, instead utilizing table-row, table-cell, and :nth-child to mimic...
  • ₊⁺  GRIDDERY ⁺₊

    Inspired by David DeSandro’s masonry, griddery is a script that automatically organizes divs into a grid without relying on .height() and position:absolute, instead utilizing table-row, table-cell, and :nth-child to mimic a grid by sorting the divs into columns.

    I played around with this idea for my tags panel in my Bliss page, and wanted to tidy up the code and share it.


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““400+ Free Line Icons by Ahmed Agrma
A library containing almost 500 icons in a cute, minimal style. I whipped up a script that allows you to add any icon to your project with just one line of HTML like an icon font, rather than the...
  • 400+ Free Line Icons by Ahmed Agrma

    A library containing almost 500 icons in a cute, minimal style. I whipped up a script that allows you to add any icon to your project with just one line of HTML like an icon font, rather than the full SVG code. I’ve also created an accompanying icon cheatsheet so you can quickly preview/browse for anything specific before using it!

    👉🏼 Installation / Usage / Customization 👈🏼

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    How to make a dynamic table of contents on Tumblr

    It’s easy to get lost when reading a long text post on your blog. And you wonder, is it possible to put a table of contents on your blog? But wait, what's a table of contents anyway? It's a list found on a page before the start of the main content. This table will show the different sections of the title with a clickable link that will jump you to the relevant subheading.

    Not every theme has that feature and this feature provides a quick way to jump down the page to the desired section. So today I am sharing this with you on how to make this implementation on Tumblr.

    This post is not going to explain the details, you'll be just provided an instruction to implement this on your blog. You need to be familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript before proceeding with this.

    Keep reading

  • Highlight current page on Tumblr

    Hi there! Just a #prothemertip:

    If you are currently designing a custom tumblr theme and you want to highlight the current page's link in your navigation menu, you don't need to develop or use any script or plug-in: there's a secret html variable called {CurrentState} –that of course doesn't appear on the official theme documentation as many others– which automatically adds the class 'current-page' on the html tag of the active page link. So you can add the class name into the tag such as:


    <a class="{CurrentState}" href="">{Label}</a>


    The above block tag will add all the links to your blog's custom pages at once (except for the hidden ones). Then, you can customize the class 'a.current-page' (or simply '.current-page') on your custom CSS, inline or embedded, such as this:

    a.current-page {color: {AccentColor}} /* Example */

    Doing so will only add –and then stylize– the class on the active page's link; the rest of the nav links will remain normal –or styled as default. This is actually the solution used on Tumblr's official theme and that's actually where I knew it from.

    However, the home link works differently. For the link highlighting to work similarly when the homepage or startpage is active, you can do so adding the class only between the HomePage block, as follows:

    <a class="{block:HomePage}current-page{/block:HomePage}" href="">Home</a>

    Notice that the {CurrentState} variable will only work for custom pages of your blog, not external links –even if they redirect to your blog itself, such as /tagged/, /yyyy/mm/dd, /random or other index pages, they'll be considered as external. You can use the variable {ExternalState} for these and customize the css class 'external-page' but they'll be stylized always and in all pages instead of only the active one unlike the previous hack.

    Of course, if this solution doesn't fully satisfy your specific needs due to this last limitation, you can always recurr back to old trustworthy JavaScript (vanilla or jQuery)... though I won't be very helpful there.

    Good luck! Hope it helps :)

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““Iconsax icons by vuesax
ICONSAX is an abundant library consisting of over 900 SVG uicons with soft corners. I went through all of them and wrote a lightweight script that allows you to add any icon with just one line of HTML. I’ve...
  • Iconsax icons by vuesax

    ICONSAX is an abundant library consisting of over 900 SVG uicons with soft corners. I went through all of them and wrote a lightweight script that allows you to add any icon with just one line of HTML. I’ve also curated a complete icon cheatsheet so you can search for any icons you want to use, and preview them before adding them to your project.

    👉🏼 Installation / Usage / Customization 👈🏼

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  • Steps to turn safari tumblr into a separate app on iOS

    Wanted to put together a guide for less phone-savvy people (like me) who want to avoid this batshit tag censoring by using tumblr on safari instead of the app. Less gooooo

    1) Open up in safari and click on the little export button at the bottom of the screen


    2) Click the “Add to home screen” button


    3) Click “Add” and you’ll have a new icon on your Home Screen that will open the safari version


    Conveniently, the icon will have the default tumblr logo and even opens fairly seamlessly into what looks like it’s own app (one that you can now tag posts properly with again!)

    Hope this helps y’all!

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“This is a masterlist consisting of links to different types of posts here on Tumblr. I compiled this for theme-makers in mind as a way of double-checking if any elements have been accidentally left unstyled. You can reblog the posts onto...
  • This is a masterlist consisting of links to different types of posts here on Tumblr. I compiled this for theme-makers in mind as a way of double-checking if any elements have been accidentally left unstyled. You can reblog the posts onto your test blog to check if everything looks as intended. Particularly for NPF posts, there may be some default properties you wish to override. I had these links saved all over the place so I decided to group them in one post for easier access. This list is by no means definitive, but I hope it can help somewhat. ♡

    💌 If you have any suggestions or additions to this list, let me know!

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““Since lots of people are leaving tumblr or deactivating, I decided to make a major research to list a few resources blogs that are still active. I’ll be updating this list as it goes on.
GENERAL RESOURCES ― @completeresources...
  • Simple Pagination Tutorial

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  • As requested, here’s a short tutorial on how I style the pagination in my themes and blog!

    The code shown in the Tumblr docs is the basic code for pagination without any styling done as shown below.


    Notice how only the next page link is showing on the first page while the previous page link disappears? The same thing occurs on the last page of a blog except the next page link disappears while the previous page link is showing.

    Ideally, we’ll want the pagination to show both page links, and have it indicate whether or not you can go back or forward like this:


    You can also use font icons like Boxicons or FontAwesome in place of the previous and next page links, but for the sake of the tutorial, I’ll be keeping it simple!

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