photosets fix

what this does is it takes the first photoset in the text post and converts it to either css photosets layout or pxu layout (following shytheme’s tutorial), adds that to the very beginning of the post, and removes the photoset from the text body

step one: link the script

paste this with your other scripts (no jquery required)

<script src=""></script>

step two: call the function

paste this in your <script> tag


step three: function options

change these to fit the theme

  'posts': '.post.text', // change '.post.text' to the text post selector
  'text class': 'text', // change 'text' to the text post unique class (can be '')
  'photoset class': 'photoset' // change 'photoset' to the photoset post unique class (can be '')
},true); // true = pxu, false = css photosets

to use pxu, you need jquery and you need to call the .pxuPhotoset after you call undoPhotoset()