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  • Showing 111 posts tagged theme help
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    staysuki sent a message

    [troubleshoot from a not so tumblr-savvy gal] Good day, amazing human ;-;—I'm currently using Dahlia on my blog (staysuki tumblr com), and I absolutely love it! But I just have one tiny problem: the header & profile images, it doesn't show up on mine like the ones in the preview(?) That's all, thank you in advance. I was also wondering how you did the icons in the preview (seyche tumblr com/dahlia), the ones underneath the bio with the date and such. p.s. tumblr wont let me link anything idk y

  • seyche replied

    hey! you can upload the images in the header and add links to the sideblog images through their respective fields in the customization panel (marked in the screenshots above)

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    Anonymous sent a message

    ah, i actually didn’t know that that wasn’t a bug :o ah, it must’ve been my connection that made them stack on top of each other :| thank you for the correction!

  • seyche replied

    I sat on this for a little bit and tl;dr I figured out a way to speed up the load time on the one column version so you shouldn’t see the posts stack on top of each other if your connection is slow! code has been updated on pastebin and github, so you can reinstall it there.

    note that this only applies to the one column version though; if you’re using the multi-column versions and you have a blog full of big gifs and a less than stellar internet connection, you might see the posts overlap till the scripts and gifs load in properly. I wish that wasn’t the case since I don’t want my themes to have accessibility issues, but I can’t do anything about that though, since it’s not a bug or anything to do with a flaw in the code. unfortunately, tumblr’s increased file size limits has tradeoffs.

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    Anonymous sent a message

    hello! i just wanted to let you know that in your one-column preview of your latest theme (camellia, if i remember correctly), some of the posts overlap on each other. they're mostly the single-photo posts being covered/covering the text and quote posts. i hope it was alright that i pointed this out, and i hope you have an amazing day! your themes are wonderful and i adore your coding skills <33333333

  • seyche replied

    oh, thank you, and please don’t apologize! that’s actually something I’m already aware of and it’s not a bug, it’s just one of the drawbacks of a theme with a multi-column option; for a grid theme that doesn’t end up with big gaps between posts, the theme needs to use extra scripts to set the post positioning. so if you have a slower connection and a gif/image-heavy blog where there’s a lot of images to load, the amount of images to load can slow down the page load time and you’ll see the posts overlap until the images and scripts fully load (that’s why you’re seeing it mostly affecting photo posts). but if your connection gets better or you wait a little bit, the posts will load into the correct positioning.

    if you’re consistently having issues, I can take a look at it and see if there’s a deeper issue if you send me a link to your blog, since I can’t do any kind of troubleshooting without a direct link to where you’re observing the issue you’re reporting.

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    kissalopa sent a message

    Hi! First of all I want to say that I love your themes and pages! I used Lilac for a long time on my blog, and when I saw your new theme zinnia, I wanted to try it out and I'm loving it! But I have a little problem with a sidebar. I added 'Resources' and 'Navigation' links, and they misalign when hovered over. I tried changing fonts, font sizes and post sizes, but these two links act the same. Can you please help me? My blog link is kissalopa tumblr com/

  • seyche replied

    thanks, and thanks for using lilac and zinnia for such a long time 💖

    that will happen with the link hover if you have a long link title, so the easiest way to stop it is to increase the sidebar width. find this section in the CSS:

    aside {

    position: fixed;
    top: 125px;
    width: 225px;


    and change width: 225px; to 275px.

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    Anonymous sent a message

    Hi there,

    I really love Azalea and how simple it is :). I’m a gif maker and I’m wondering how to add a link to my tagged gifs in the html so ppl can see the gifs that I made using the search button.

    Thanks and I hope you have a great day 😊😊

  • seyche replied


    sorry, I don’t know what you mean by search button? you can input a link into the HTML following the instructions under the “NAVIGATION SECTION” heading, so visitors to your blog can just click the link without having to use the search bar to get to the link. just put the link in so it looks like: <a href=“/tagged/gifs”>my gifs</a>.

    the search bar in the footer doesn’t need to be edited; vistors can just input whatever terms they want into it and search your blog.

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    Anonymous sent a message

    Hi! I am pretty new to tumblr, so I'm still learning stuff. I am using your lilac theme for my desktop theme, and I'm wondering if the theme supports android. I already disabled the default theme in the advance options, but I still get the default on my android. Thanks for responding.

  • seyche replied

    it does; I test all my responsive themes on my android phone so I can confirm all my themes work on android. responsive layouts get overridden no matter what in the mobile app, so you can only view them through the browser app on your phone.

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    Anonymous sent a message

    hi! i was wondering how to add pictures to the aesthetic part of one of your themes, i mean i get where to put the link and all but can i use pics from pinterest? cause i copied the link from there but the pictures are empty lmao i feel so stupid i hope you understood what i just said

  • seyche replied

    I haven’t tried using images hosted on pinterest before, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they have blocks on people linking to images hosted on that site. I’d suggest using something like Tumblr or an image hosting site like imgur/unsplash/etc. instead. or if you’d like me to take a look at it, please send me a link!

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    scruffyobiwan sent a message

    Hiii, I saw your theme update on Holly where you added new fade-in loading animation so posts won’t overlap each other before all of the content has been loaded. As I have made some customisation on the theme, do you mind sharing the script so I can edit/add it manually to the theme? Thanks! :)

  • seyche replied

    yeah sure! but I’ll warn you that it’s not the easiest update to do (it requires modifications to the HTML, CSS, and jQuery) so make sure you save a copy of your code before you do any of this. also I don’t have a copy of the previous code so I’m writing this from memory, so these aren’t the most detailed instructions.

    edit: also the post editor has fucked this formatting so … be warned. and for anyone else who reads this and is using holly, reinstalling it from my pastebin or github will be easier because you won’t have to deal with this messed up formatting.

    instructions are under the cut:

    Keep reading

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    quickpiet sent a message

    Hi! I'm sorry to bother you, but I've already checked the Dahlia theme tag twice and done everything you recommend doing and still can't find a solution to my problem: the pop up isn't showing on my blog ( quickpiet tumblr com ). By this I mean the circle by the search bar that we're supposed to click is not showing. I've tried filling everything, even though I don't have sideblogs, but it's not working. I'm using Firefox, if that helps. Again, sorry to bother you and thanks in advance!

  • seyche replied

    you have to go into the customization panel at the left-hand side of the customization page and make sure the popup option is turned on:


    plus, make sure to toggle all the toggle options on and off at least once when you install because the customization is bugged to shit and it won’t work until you reset the options.

    if it’s still not working after you do that, feel free to message me again.

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    Anonymous sent a message

    hi! i hope you have/had a great day! <333 you see, i'm using your anemone theme and i love it so so much!! but the thing is, what kind of mp3 link should i paste?? like,, is it like links from youtube or we should download the audio first??

  • seyche replied

    thanks - my day’s been pretty good so far :). it should be an .mp3 file that you upload from your computer to either Google Drive or Dropbox following the instructions under the read more on the theme post. Youtube links won’t work, unfortunately.

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    Anonymous sent a message

    Hi, absolutely love your themes! I'm currently using your Lilac theme, and is there any way to update my avatar icon on the sidebar manually, or does it automatically adapt to the current avatar being used? Thanks!

  • seyche replied


    you can update the icon on the sidebar manually by going into your customization panel and clicking the pencil icon (if you haven’t yet uploaded a picture, it will be a camera icon).


    the icon in the header is your blog icon avatar and it updates automatically when you change your blog icon. 

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    Anonymous sent a message

    Hi, Naomi! I love your page Poppy and I had two questions. One: can we use it for other purposes other than a media page? And two: I wanted to make the images square but whenever I adjust the height, the pop-up description doesn't appear where it should and it still has the original height, is there a way to fix that? Thank you so much for this page, it's so nice and clean and I really love your codes!

  • seyche replied

    ah I’m so sorry about that! I cleaned it up and posted it in a rush, and when I checked back it had a ton of mistakes, including the popup description - I mistyped the css variables. I’ve updated it now plus fixed a few other mistakes, and it should all be working fine now. 

    in addition to correcting the problem with the popup description heights (I tested it manually to confirm it works), I’ve added proper support for alt text, support for extra text styles within the item popup, changed the design of the popup button so it doesn’t hide portions of the popup text, and added some extra HTML headings so it should be easier to edit.

    you’ll have to install it again from either my pastebin or github, but once you do, I’ve updated the external css files so if there are any other mistakes I have to correct (fingers crossed I’ve got them all!), you’ll get updates automatically. hopefully not too many people are using the old version yet, but if you are, please reinstall. sorry about the inconvenience!

    regarding your first query: yes, you can! if you want to use it for a members page or a portfolio or something, go ahead. 

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    Anonymous sent a message

    hi i'm using rosemary, the sidebar version and i was wondering if there was any way to make the sidebar image clickable so it redirects to the home page of the blog?

  • seyche replied

    in the HTML, find:

    {block:ifProfileImage}<img src=“{image:Profile}” id=“side-img”></a>{/block:ifProfileImage}

    and replace the bolded section with <a href=“/”><img src=“{image:Profile}” id=“side-img”></a>

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    Anonymous sent a message

    Hi! I saw your answer to anon question about timestamps on anemone (changing hours ago to something different) and wonder how can it be done on lilac?

  • seyche replied

    in the HTML, find this line:

    {block:IndexPage}<a href=“{Permalink}” class=“time-ago”>{Timestamp}</a>{/block:IndexPage}

    and delete class=“time-ago” (but make sure not to delete anything else). then, replace {Timestamp} with {ShortMonth} {DayOfMonth} or whatever your preferred date format is (see more here).

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    Anonymous sent a message

    hey! so i'm using the Dahlia theme and i wasn't sure how to get the image for the side blogs. how do i do it? i tried the <img src=""> but it's not working. sorry to be a bother

  • seyche replied

    you just need to input the image URL of any image uploaded to the web into the text fields in the customization panel, so it should look like https://exampleurl.jpg. if you aren’t sure how to upload an image to the web, there’s a few explainers linked in my FAQ. really those options are confusing and I should update it but I am so tired lmao

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