Posts tagged "faq"

Anonymous asked:

Hello NonSpace. I was wondering how you feel about your pages being used on other sites allowing HTML coding, such as Neocities?

Hi, I don’t mind as long as folks don’t pass them off as their own work. Go ahead!

Anonymous asked:


I just installed your Stereo theme (which is amazing btw I absolutely love it), but for some reason it... does not display on mobile web? It only works with the "desktop site" option enabled, normally it's just the standard theme.

Is there any way to fix this? Or is this Tumblr's fault? I think it's a shame since it's "mobile responsive". :(

Thanks in advance!

Hi! Thank you! I’m glad you like it.

For it to show on mobile you need to disable “Use default mobile theme” in the Customizer under “Advanced Options” (scroll all the way to the bottom).

You can find more details on the Help Center’s Customizing your Theme article.

Anonymous asked:

hello! this isn't exactly a question but i accidentally deleted the part in the code that links to your blog and can't get it back, can you send it to me? sorry if you've already answered this, i can't find it if you have :') and if you need it i'm using your stereo theme

hi! you’d need to add the following back before the closing </body> tag (you can check the theme’s original code here).

<div id=“nnspc”><a href=“//” target=“_blank”>:3</a></div>

jeche asked:

hi! i'm using your theme stereo & was wondering if you had a way to make the page endless scrolling instead of multiple pages - i'm not too well versed in editing html so i apologize if it's an easy fix lol. thank u!

hi! i don’t have a way, no. it’s certainly possible but it’s not something i plan on adding to the theme, nor do i have the time to give detailed instructions for how to do it. you’d need to use javascript and either write a script yourself or find a plug in (for example) to add to the theme.

i only know of this very old tutorial but it may still work (or maybe with some tweaks) but there’s probably more updated ones out there as well. maybe someone else here knows a good one?

Anonymous asked:

hi! im using the excess theme (which I love), however the only big issue ive encountered is that some videos and all my spotify link posts leave an awkward large space between the video/spotify link and the borders including the tags. what can be done to fix this? thank you so much!!

Hi! Thanks for letting me know, yeah this was a bug that I have yet to fix on most of my themes. Seems to particularly be with legacy videos. I fixed it for Excess, the update still needs to go through in the theme garden but you can also get the fixed version here:

Looks like there’s a bug with legacy videos not having an image when playing but that doesn’t seem related to my theme as far as I can tell.

Anonymous asked:

Hey! How can I add a background image behind my posts for the theme Excess? I saw someone on here had already asked with adding a background image to Excess and when I tried its for the background in the sidebar. Hope you can help! Thanks!

hi! sorry for the late response. you can add a background image behind the posts by adding the following to your custom CSS in the Customizer:

#content_wrapper {
background-image: url(;

for additional background image styling (e.g. positioning) have a look at w3schools.

Anonymous asked:

Hi I am using your mirror image theme and when I hover over the pictures where the big i appears to take me to a new page of where there is extra details of the characters it only works for the pages #c1 and #c2 (only the first 2 characters) how do i add an extra detail page for more characters?

Thank you very much

Hi! This should be detailed in the code comments. You need to copy/paste the div container with the ID #c2 for the remaining character tiles and then change the ID to (for example) “c3” (or if you renamed your IDs, then whichever ID you linked to in the character tiles e.g. href=“#c3”).


I didn’t copy/paste all of them because it’s a lot of extra work for me and makes scrolling through the code very difficult when editing it.

If you’re using the spreadsheet version, these should automatically render.

Hope this helps!

Anonymous asked:

Hello There! I'm using the Mirror Images 12# theme and when I paste the code the pinterest board for the first character bio isn't there, I've tried to re-paste the code along with reloading the page but that didn't work. I'm not all that fussed since I don't use pinterest that often anyways but It still sorta threw me of and I was wondering if you could help me fix it. ;-;

Hi! It’s hard to say what may be happening without seeing the page. You can send me a PM with the page link or as an ask if you like (I won’t publish it).

I checked my preview page and the board is still working there. My best guess is that Pinterest changed something with their share code/links. Or:

  • Are you pasting your board’s URL into the existing embed code in the page? (This is correct) Try taking the URL from the address bar rather than the “Share” option
  • Check that your board is public and not hidden

Hope this helps!

brnndwn asked:

Hi!! I'm using the theme Stereo, I love it!! I'm wondering if you could help me with how to do a simple background image? I've tried googling how to do it and copying+pasting different parts of the code but nothing has worked. I looked through your FAQ and I couldn't find a solution (I may have missed it) Thanks a bunch!

Hi! You can add a background image by adding the following in your Custom CSS (Customizer > Advanced options (at the very bottom)):

container {
background-image: url(;

aside, #aside_inner {
background: none;

If you need additional background image styling like a no repeating background, have a look at existing background properties and how to use them here.

hcspitaller asked:

Hello! I looked through your FAQs, but didn't find anything about adding a search bar to Excess. Can one be added in a future version of the theme? I absolutely love this theme, thank you for sharing it with us!

Hi! I’m glad you like it (:

That said, I’m not sure I’ll have time to add a search bar. I’ll keep it in mind for the future for sure. It’s not the only theme that could use a search bar.

If you wanted to try and add one yourself, you might be able to copy/paste the code from my BOTTLENECK theme. You can search the code for ‘search_bar’ and should be able to find the HTML part as well as the CSS (#search_bar and below up to POSTS).

Hope this helps somewhat!