
Feel free to download and read through our library of whitepapers.  If you'd like to learn more, we welcome the opportunity to talk.


They Won't Telon You Anymore
This white paper covers the current state of CA Telon in the enterprise and the most efficient, low-risk way to modernize.
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It's No Fun Living With PL/I: The business case, challenges and solution for migrating PL/I
This whitepaper describes multiple approaches that can be used and applied when dealing with PL/I.
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When CA Gen Isn't Cool Anymore: How to transform your CA Gen applications to a modern environment
This whitepaper addresses the business case, the challenges, and the solution for moving CA Gen to a modern environment.
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No Assembly Required: A Guide to Managing Assembler Code
This whitepaper answers common questions faced by any organization looking to modernize their mainframe application ecosystem.
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Modernization Journey of Mainframe Monolithic Applications to Cloud Native Microservices
This whitepaper investigates the challenges and benefits of transforming mainframe monolithic applications to cloud native microservices. .

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Legacy Systems & Digital Transformation: More Than Meets The Eye
This whitepaper investigates the drivers of digital transformation, the challenges businesses face in transition, and the integral role legacy modernization plays in digital business success.

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The Gathering Storm: Legacy Modernization & the Cloud
This whitepaper discusses the intersection between legacy systems and unique advantages offered by cloud computing environments when addressing modernization.

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Escaping Legacy - Removing A Major Roadblock to a Digital Future
Earlier this year, Andy Nelson and Roger Camrass, a senior board advisor and visiting professor at the University of Surrey, England interviewed over 40 senior executives in leading financial, industrial, government, and IT services organizations to test a hypothesis: Do core legacy systems inhibit business’ ability to meet changing customer demands in the digital age? They wrote this excellent whitepaper setting out their key findings.

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Save Your Environment the Natural Way
This whitepaper outlines how firms are empowered to take a phased approach to modernization using Modern Systems’ tools to replatform and later migrate to COBOL or C#, removing the common risks many executives and application developers cite as reasons to stay with their current technology. It also describes how these tools enable organizations to break the ties that bind them to expensive fees.

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Don't Kick The Can Down A Crumbling Road
Recently, the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) released an eye-opening report which found that roughly 75% of the government’s $80 billion IT budget goes to keep aging technology running, and the increasing cost is shortchanging modernization and causing a lot of headaches. This whitepaper explains why automated COBOL conversion is the fastest, most cost-effective, and safest way to alleviate reliance on legacy infrastructure, databases, and the application code that supports them.

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Know the Details, Reduce the Risk
This whitepaper explains why a detailed assessment and understanding of legacy applications and databases is essential for risk mitigation, environmental understanding, and proper strategic technological planning and decision-making.
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You Can Teach An Old Dog New Tricks
This whitepaper incorporates industry analysis, direct customer feedback, and over 30 years of project experience to help you understand the mainframe modernization ecosystem and how replatforming Natural applications with Modern Systems is the fastest, least costly, and lowest risk option for extricating your organization from reliance on the mainframe and Software AG.
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How To Reduce MIPS in Core Mainframe Apps
91% of CIOs say performance expectations of the mainframe have increased now that customer-facing applications are using it. How can you reduce MIPS without disrupting the experience for the business and end users? This whitepaper breaks down the current MIPS usage landscape and options for MIPS reduction that make sense.
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Tool-Assisted Reengineering of COBOL or Natural Applications
Agile development philosophies such as DevOps, rapid expansion of expectations around mobile-friendly business practices, and world-class cloud infrastructure are placing pressure on CIOs and Enterprise Architects to modernize legacy systems to the changing landscape or risk losing competitive edge and market share.
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How To Replatform Adabas Natural
Replatforming Natural applications is a good way to move to distributed platforms, eliminate Software AG licensing charges, and retain Natural code syntax.
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COBOL to Java or C# Automated Conversion
This is a technical deep-dive into our COBOL Automated Conversion technology. Learn how our solution empowers companies to keep the benefits of their legacy business logic while guaranteeing a fully maintainable Java or C# end state, compatible with the database and hardware of their choice. A great way to prepare and evaluate your COBOL migration roadmap.
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Modernizing the Non Relational Database
A broad view of organizational data is vital for management reporting, business intelligence, analytics and decision support. This whitepaper outlines common challenges in handling data locked up in legacy systems, the options for solving them and a detailed breakdown of Modern Systems' solution using an IDMS database as an example.
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Natural Selection: Evolving Away from Software AG
Despite running mission critical applications and transactions on Software AG platforms, specific factors are driving companies away from Natural/Adabas.

This document incorporates industry analysis, direct customer feedback and 30 years of project experience to help you understand, build and execute on a business case for modernizing Software AG Natural/Adabas environments.
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Modernization Secrets of the Fortune 1000
Despite their size, Fortune 1000 companies know it takes a flexible, nimble organization to compete in today’s business landscape. This paper profiles their drivers to modernize, little known choices to common solutions, and profiles three global businesses who leveraged these creative solutions for success.
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How Modernization Can Blend With ERP Deployments
How Modern Systems can help customers leverage "Blended ERP" for easier customization, reduced cost, and reduced risk.
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Archiving Data For New ERP Deployments
Discover how archiving legacy data can offer a refreshing alternative for lowering the cost of an ERP system.
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Analyst Papers and Reports

Forrester's Now Tech: Application Modernization And Migration Services, Q1 2019
Today's CIOs need to accelerate their digital transformation journey, reduce costs associated with legacy technologies, and in many cases leverage outside talent to address skills shortages. Infrastructure and operations (I&O) professionals should use this Now Tech report to understand the primary segments and capabilities of application modernization and migration services providers to inform their selection strategies.
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Vendor Landscape: Legacy Software Modernization
The goal of this research paper by InfoTech is to help companies understand what’s changed in the field of modernization, how legacy systems can now be modernized relatively affordably and in surprisingly short time frames. This document offers a detailed evaluation and ranking of legacy modernization vendors and products to help determine which vendors are most appropriate for particular use cases and scenarios.
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Modernization: Inside An Intense COBOL Conversion
Business case, risk analysis and cost analysis for a Standish Group customer planning a COBOL conversion for an IBM z10 mainframe system running its order processing application. The application consists of two million lines of COBOL/CICS code. The company has found it too expensive and difficult to modify and maintain the application. They planned to upgrade the application and reduce total cost of ownership by running it on commodity hardware and software- and this is the overall analysis of that effort. VERY useful for companies in the early stages of planning a COBOL conversion.
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Modernization: A CEO's Story, Live From Gartner
AeroSoft CEO Thanos Kaponeridis detailed his experience with Modern Systems (then known as BluePhoenix) with an audience at Gartner's CIO Symposium. Great for those looking for a detailed, real-world story about modernizing business-critical applications.
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Heads up! This website is no longer being updated as of 2022. For the most up-to-date information on Advanced's modernization services and/or for any enquiries, go to modernsystems.oneadvanced.com.