Application Understanding & Documentation with eav®

Many organizations are experiencing difficulties with application understanding, maintenance, and enhancement that is caused by the "newness" of their technical teams and the lack of up-to-date documentation regarding applications, especially those in legacy environment. Many have seen the "original design team" or "everyone that knew that system" move ahead to management, to other technologies, or to retirement. Identifying the source of production problems is often a week-long battle, when it once was a matter of minutes or hours.

The Enterprise Application Viewer (eav®) propels any organization into a state of fast problem resolution, accurate impact analysis, and complete up-to-date application documentation, regardless of how team members have come and gone. eav provides both business and technical teams with instant insight into application flow, cross-program or intra-program flow, and even field-level usage across the entire enterprise.

Reduce Costs and Risk, Define Impact

eav is a complete analytical team within a single tool. It provides both application and business teams with the ability to quickly understand and follow the logic within applications, between applications, and within programs. IT teams no longer need technical specialists for each application. A core team of programmers and analysts can debug, maintain, and enhance multiple complex applications within any environment.

It is also possible to predict the impact of specific changes using the integrated right-click tools and reach documentation compliance by using the numerous reports generated by eav.

eav takes the guesswork out of enhancement planning. Both business and technical analysts have full visibility into complex legacy applications, and can predict the impact of specific changes across the environment. Business Rules are visible and easy to analyze. Entire teams can become knowledgeable about any set of applications, eliminating the risk associated with a reduced or retiring technical staff.

Customers can visualize the impact of a change and predict its outcome with only minutes of effort. Modern systems has created two short videos to demonstrate the use of the impact analysis and code path features within eav.


Increase Agility through Application Understanding

With eav, IT teams are armed with a suite of tools to quickly change, enhance, and expand the portfolio through better application understanding to meet modern business demands, increase market potential, and answer the ever-changing needs of customers. With eav, change is faster, simpler, and safer.

With eav, our customers reduce costs across the organization...

  • Reduce maintenance costs, which often account for more than 75% of an IT budgetapplication understanding and documentation
  • Reduce downtime by resolving critical production issues in a fraction of the time
  • Reduce project cost overruns by accurately estimating enhancements and new development efforts
  • Maintain, enhance, and develop applications with fewer team members
  • Reduce IT project headcount by including business team members in IT analysis
eav also provides any developer or business analyst the ability to research and resolve issues quickly. Even without prior knowledge of the application functionality and without in-depth knowledge of the programming language, minimal research can lead directly to the source of an issue.

  • Begin analysis with an error message or a transaction ID
  • Quickly isolate business rules leading to a result
  • Become expert in complex application processing
  • Perform fast and accurate research and impact analysis

Documentation Compliance and Global Reports

The Modern Systems Enterprise Application Viewer automatically updates its documentation repository every time that a production program changes, whether the change is made on the mainframe or in a network environment. With eav, all program and application documentation is always up-to-date without any effort from the team.

Unique in the application understanding and documentation space, eav's printed documentation can stand alone to fully document any program and its relationship to all other program artifacts. With eav's graphical workbenches, documentation and application research is completely interactive.

The Reports section also provides a collection of reports on the data that has been imported into eav. Referred to as Global Reports, they encompass the Repository, Object, and Entity aspects of eav.

Documentation Compliance Reports
  • Object Information - Summarizes the object information including identification details and scan details
  • Object Log Detail - This is a history of all of the events that have occurred when the object has been loaded into eav
  • Object Listing - Contains the original imported code but with line numbers along the left side for ease of reference
  • Verb Statistics - Provides a list of verbs used in the object and how many times each verb is used
  • Program Metrics - Provides statistics for the program such as line counts, exec statements, and cyclomatic complexity
  • Element Usage Statistics - Provides a list of elements used in the object. This report also provides the line number where the element is defined and the line numbers where the element is used
  • Dead Element Detail - Provides a list of elements that are defined in the object but are never referenced by the object
  • Business Rule Detail - Provides a list of the points in the program where a decision is made and the flow of logic is changed
  • JCL File Usage Detail - Provides a list of the file utilization within the JOB and STEP of the JCL
  • External Reference Detail - Provides a list of external resources that are used by the object
  • File Detail - Provides a list of file controls called in the program
  • eavEdit Detail - Provides a list of the times the program has been altered by the eavEdit feature
  • Referenced By Detail - Provides a list of external resources that reference the object
  • Map Images - Provides a visual of the maps created by the object
  • Map Field Detail - Provides a list of the map fields used in the object including the field name, position, and length
  • Notes - Provides a list of the notes that have been added to this program within eav
Global Reports
  • Repository Detail - an alphabetical list of every object by repository. Total objects listed in a repository are displayed at the end of the repository section and the total number of objects listed in the report appears on the last page
  • Repository Detail by Version - a list of every object sorted within each repository by descending version number. When objects have the same version number the objects are listed alphabetically
  • Repository Detail by Change - a list of every object sorted within each repository by descending change date
  • Object Error Detail - a list of each object that is in error (has a scan error) and all the messages from the most recent scan
  • Object Summary - a summary of object type count and line count within object type. The totals are displayed at the bottom of the report. The Statement Count and Comment Count columns are only visible for component types that eav® creates metrics for. Also, it is important to note that (Statement + Comment) does NOT equal the Line Count metric. Statements are only considered in the executable section of a program, I.E Procedure division therefore it will not include Working Storage type items. The Line Count metric includes ALL lines
  • Complexity Detail - the maximum, minimum and average cyclomatic complexity values for every object in each repository. A cyclomatic breakdown appears at the end of the report
  • CRUD Detail - the statistics from SQL and Natural Create, Read, Update, Delete activity. The column headings can be used to sort the data
  • Objects by Repository - a horizontal bar graph representation of the number of objects in each repository
  • Objects by Language - a horizontal bar graph representation of the number of objects of each language type found in the repositories
  • Objects by Category - a pie chart of the percentage of objects that are contained in each public category
  • Line Counts by Repository - a horizontal bar graph representation of the number of lines in each repository
  • Entity Detail - an alphabetical list of the entities that exist and which repositories they have access to. The report includes the network path, if applicable, and the auto assign setting for each entity
  • Users by Repository - an alphabetical list of the users allowed to access each repository
  • eavEdit Detail - a list of every object within every repository which has been edited using the eavEdit feature
  • eav Usage Detail - a list of current eav® suite license usage detail. The report shows real time usage of seats in use for all products at the time of report execution, provided in a graphical representation and detailed data including host terminal usage
  • eavRPM Target Detail - [for eavrpm® users only] information about the target environment including summary, style detail, objects, & datasources
  • eavATP Historical Usage Detail - [for ATP® users only] the historical usage detail of ATP® by the users accessing the runtime version of ATP®. The report contains details on each user including username, full name, mainframe ID, access level and last access date/time

Additional Resources

  • Webinar: Know the Details, Reduce the Risk - A webinar video that is a companion to our popular whitepaper, you will learn about how eav works and why application documentation and understanding is the key to a solid foundation.
  • eav Overview - Walk through a high-level demonstration of the Enterprise Application Viewer software and its features.
  • eav Code Path Analysis - Walk through a demonstration of the powerful code path analysis feature of eav.
  • eav Impact Analysis - A demonstration explaining how eav takes the guesswork out of enhancement planning.
  • eav Reports - A demonstration showing the breadth of reports available to users within the eav suite.
Other Related Content
  • Mainframe Assessment - Read more about how eav can be a key part of a mainframe assessment, reducing the scope, cost, and risk of any modernization project.
  • eavRPM - Rapid Program Modernization (eavRPM) is an add-on for eav that allows users to harness tool assistance for reengineering of legacy systems.
  • ATP - Application Transparency Platform (ATP) is an add-on for eav that allows for replatforming of Natural syntax and automated conversion of Natural and COBOL to C# with a simple "SaveAs".

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