Legacy Cloud Practice

The Future of Enterprise Applications

Scalability, Cost-effectiveness, Availability & Extensibility for your Applications
Legacy Cloud Practice Offerings

Whether modernizing a single legacy application or the entire enterprise, Modern Systems provides the products and services to assist organizations understand the legacy landscape and the challenges associated with selecting the right modernization strategy. The aim of the Modern Systems Legacy to Cloud Practice is to work with customers to create a cohesive, executable plan aimed at taking maximum advantage of the scalability, cost-effectiveness, availability and extensibility of cloud environments with minimal risk.

The Modern Systems Legacy to Cloud Practice will leverage:

  • Vast experience with migrating highly complex, performant, reliable, secure legacy applications and data workloads to a wide variety of distributed systems environments
  • Proven operational and infrastructure assessments targeted at replicating all of the unique requirements involved in deploying legacy workloads in a specific cloud-based framework
  • Extensive and comprehensive understanding of the requirements and behavior of all legacy applications and data characteristics and the specific mapping to deploy efficiently and successfully to a cloud-based framework

Legacy Cloud Practice Offers You:

  • Custom developed cloud migration strategy containing a full-service methodology, customizable to meet specific customer requirements and assist with the journey from legacy to the cloud
  • Comprehensive assessment services, selection of best modernization approach, architecture design and implementation, code and data transformation, testing, deployment, ongoing monitoring and management of the solution during and after the modernization, all focused on the cloud as the target landing framework
  • Certified partnerships with best-in-class cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and the Oracle Cloud Platform
  • Ability to articulate and select the best individual or combination of platforms to meet the specific needs of the organization and the assets being modernized or transitioned
  • Access to a collaborative Modernization Platform as a Service (ModPaaS)
Cloud Practice

Heads up! This website is no longer being updated as of 2022. For the most up-to-date information on Advanced's modernization services and/or for any enquiries, go to modernsystems.oneadvanced.com.