Customer References

Delivering business outcomes that matter

Our customers have come to rely on us to successfully help them transform their businesses in order to take full advantage of elastic IT methods by leveraging our legacy modernization solutions and expertise.
Successful modernization projects for global organizations
Billion lines of code assessed and converted
Years experience delivering legacy modernization projects
Focused on the big picture, not just source code and data conversion

What our customers are saying

National Life Group

“Within only a month of the completion of our IDMS to DB2 modernization we have already experienced dramatic benefits. Our technical infrastructure has been simplified and our mainframe storage reduced by completely eliminating the IDMS environment. We have a much broader base of application developers to support these modernized applications.”

Barry Ibey, Second Vice President of National Life Group.
“As a result of the Modern Systems’ conversion project, we anticipate more efficient testing and support cycles. COBOL mainframe resources are becoming increasingly hard to find, so this puts us in a position to work with a global community of young talented developers.”

Thanos Kaponeridis, CEO of AeroSoft Systems
"Application Analyser saved us weeks if not months in reverse engineering time! Without Application Analyser, our incoming developers would have to take weeks to understand how our stack is built. With it, trims that time to days. Application Analyser gives us a detailed view into our stack that we never had before."

Mark Kaplan, Senior IT Director of Barbri.
“At the start of this project, I thought I knew what my application did, but I was wrong. The Modern Systems’ approach showed me how much more there was then I assumed. My skepticism evolved into the realization that this Assessment was one of the best things we did. In addition, the Automation Modern Systems has for the code is really cool.”

Marc Rubel, Executive Director of Application Development of GE Capital.

Sample of our experience

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