probably listening to Hozier rn
  • @dead-twink-detectives @untulithed


    I don't know what I expected but I definitely wasn't disappointed; it was all over the place and I'm so here for it. Mind the last movie I watched was All of Us Strangers and this here was entirely different vibe but soooo good. Wasn't bored for a single second

    Thoughts ranged from "this is absolutely insane, I love it" to "what am I watching, I love it" and "wait. That hit a little close to home"

    Also Lukas' hair is magnificent

  • Should I watch it??

  • Highly recommended! I had a blast watching it!

  • @dead-twink-detectives @untulithed


    I don’t know what I expected but I definitely wasn’t disappointed; it was all over the place and I’m so here for it. Mind the last movie I watched was All of Us Strangers and this here was entirely different vibe but soooo good. Wasn’t bored for a single second

    Thoughts ranged from “this is absolutely insane, I love it” to “what am I watching, I love it” and “wait. That hit a little close to home”

    Also Lukas’ hair is magnificent

  • Edwin who's always been a runner for as long as Charles has known him. Who's always ready to bolt at the slightest threat, who is occasionally so quiet it's almost as if he isn't even there. Edwin who Charles trusts with everything but there are these little quirks little things he sees that Edwin doesn't seem to trust him with.

    And then Hell. And a maze of hallways, and suddenly Charles knows where all of those little quirks come from with a sort of horrifying clarity.

  • “omg you’re so creative. how do you get your ideas” i hallucinate a single scene in the taco bell drive thru and then spend 13 months trying to write it

  • The only reason Charles didn't get stuck in a loop because of his traumatic death is because Edwin comforted him in his final moments.

  • I don't think you understand how much I NEED a Dead Boy Detectives Clue board game in my life. Like I need netflix to make one with hasbro right fucking now. Like there's a freaking Squishmallow clue, we can definitely have a dbda one too

  • Okay so I've decided I need to just Make It Myself

    So with this $20 very cute version available to be here in 2 days (mainly for the case, come on now, look at it it's perfect for DBDA)


    And with my access to Canva and dedication I THINK I could pull it off.

    The question is whether I just leave the locations as the classic options or if I make those DBDA themed too which would take editing the board with my (admittedly minimal) artistic skills and making new cards for them too.

    Also would I change the weapons or leave them be too? I'm thinking leave them be but on the OTHER hand having a cricket bat option is pretty enticing

    Also since there's 6 characters that means like obvs we'd have our main four but who do we choose for the remaining 2? Like do we go with Jenny, Monty, The Night Nurse, The Cat King, or Esther??? So many questions

  • You should make new locations, add extra weapons, and add The Night Nurse and Cat King. I think that’d work as a solid combination

  • I feel like I would have to remove weapons and replace them with the new ones I want so as to not mess up the dynamics of the game. Though I'm intrigued which ones I should replace if I do. And since clue boards come with physical representations of the weapons I would need to make my own with I assume modeling clay? Idk I've never tried to make permanent clay creations before, I would need to find the right type. Also oh my god a cleaver?? Okay yeah I think I need to make new weapons. Oh and instead of lead pipe it's an iron pipe?? I almost said Esther's iron cane but that means we would need Esther but then I remembered there's a metal weapon that can very very easily be switched to a different metal, one that you know actually hurts our boys. Also what about a crowbar like Niko's? I feel like we need to keep knife cause like I'm attached to Charles teensy knife at the beginning i think it stays. (In later versions it's dagger but this vintage version I've kinda chose has a knife so)

    And if I make a cleaver I feel like we need jenny then because like, we just do. So would I switch her out for the Cat King? I don't knowww I love all of them dearly and I would think about having cards made for all of them except you have to have all the names of the characters on the detective sheets and it doesn't work if you're choosing which 6 to keep in the game every time and would make it entirely too confusing if you tried to be like "okay cross off the ones you don't use!" Sooo maybe Jenny and the Night Nurse.

    And to reference your tags, no you don't sound demanding at all!! I love the input <3

  • Okay I need input, I was staring at the promotional photos earlier

    These ones:


    And so for the character cards, do I use these photos since they do have a particularly Clue-ish vibe? Or should I make my own entirely different designs to better match the vibe of the vintage-y clue version pictured above?? I'm really not sure which direction to take.

    Especially since I already kinda had it planned out that Crystal would be the purple pawn since you know her hero colors actually purple. And Charles would be the red pawn since his hero color's red and the promotional photos colorations might make it a tad bit confusing

    Idk if you guys can see my vision but this has been my rough mapping out for the character colors of the pawns (and the weapons too)


    So yeah, what do you guys think I should do?

  • Okay so I went with using them and figuring out how to edit the colors.


    Changing Charles' was significantly harder than the others not sure why but it all worked out (Ignore the 3 Crystal's I'm indecisive and couldn't choose which purple hue I like the most) but yeah I think I really like these as their cards!

    Now I just gotta figure out how I want their weapon cards to look and make them (don't even get me started on the locations that's later me's problems)

  • image

    This scene destroys me every time, but one incredible detail that I haven't seen anybody mention is the position of the bedding.

    In the first shot, when Edwin arrives, we can see that Charles has taken one mattress and one blanket to huddle in the corner with them.

    In the final shot, all of the bedding has been rearranged on the floor to make Charles' little blanket nest as Edwin reads to him.

    But Charles spends the entirety of these scenes growing weaker with each passing shot. He's sitting upright and shivering, then leaning against the shelves and shivering, then leaning hard on a table and coughing as the internal damage starts to catch up to him, then leaning much harder on the shelves after the shivering has stopped (a bad sign when someone is hypothermic), then leaning so far down he's near reclined, then finally lying flat on the floor amidst the bedding.

    My point is, by the time that final scene comes around, Charles doesn't have the strength left to have moved the bedding for himself anymore.

    That was Edwin. Edwin sat with this dying boy, and brought him light, and made him laugh. And when the end was near, he made him a blanket nest on the floor, so that he could die in comfort while someone read him off to sleep.

  • &. zinnia theme by seyche