probably listening to Hozier rn
  • People saying Edwin's weird magnetism isn't realistic don't understand the experience of moving to a small town and immediately setting off the radar of every unstable queer in a ten mile radius

  • image
  • when i was getting trained as a welder the guys started playing sneaky grabass with each other and with me. i almost hit a few people while holding dangerous tools in my hand because they wouldn’t stop grabbing me from behind, then laughing that i ‘almost’ hit them, so i finally had to go to the instructor and say, look, i’ve had years and years of self defense training due the fact i’m a very small weirdo who is in legitimate danger of getting hatecrimed and at some point one of these guys is going to goose me again and im going to bury a wrench in his eye. get them to stop grabbing me, because i don’t want to get kicked out for hitting people.

    the next day i ended up punching someone in the face with a doughnut in my fist because she thought i was being a big fucking buzzkill who tattled to teacher about a harmless game, and, guess what, grabbed my butt. i got icing all over her hair. she complained to teacher...who let everyone know that this was why they weren’t supposed to be playing grabass in the fucking shop.

    anyway don’t fucking sneak up on twitchy little queers with hypervigilance, it fucking sucks and you’re lucky if you get a doughnut to a face instead of a hammer.

  • given that this was a welding class, I was expecting this to end up so much worse

  • Hey shout out to every custodial/sanitation worker taking out and cleaning up literal hot garbage so that the rest of us can go about our summer days like it doesn’t exist

  • Glad to see this resonated with someone, respect custodial staff or die<3

  • charles and edwin give major “guys who met at the first day of school/university/internship and instantly became absolutely inseparable, best mates” vibes.

    What’s so special about their friendship in canon is that they feel like childhood friends even though there are literally decades they have gone without knowing each other (well, for Charles not even two decades but the thought still counts), and there is so much history the other is not a part of but they still live in each other’s pockets, know each other better than anyone has or ever will, like two puzzle pieces finally falling together. It’s not growing up together and seeing the other grow up alongside you into the person you now know, it’s meeting this person, not yet knowing what has shaped them into who they have become but feeling that their shadow fits yours

    there is something so beautiful about those two souls living their (almost) entire lives without knowing each other and meeting in death, a new start in something that is technically supposed to be the end, and letting this bloom into the magic and chemistry we can see between them

  • Look.


    I have made you a chart. A very simple chart.

    People say "You have to draw the line somewhere, and Biden has crossed it-" and my response is "Trump has crossed way more lines than Biden".

    These categories are based off of actual policy enacted by both of these men while they were in office.

    If the ONLY LINE YOU CARE ABOUT is line 12, you have an incredible amount of privilege, AND YOU DO NOT CARE ABOUT PALESTINIANS. You obviously have nothing to fear from a Trump presidency, and you do not give a fuck if a ceasefire actually occurs. You are obviously fine if your queer, disabled, and marginalized loved ones are hurt. You clearly don't care about the status of American democracy, which Trump has openly stated he plans to destroy on day 1 he is in office.

  • if you want to vote for a third party, what you are going to do is vote for biden in november 2024 and then as soon as that’s done, start trying to get ranked choice voting in your state

    we will ALWAYS be a two party system until voting reform happens, and voting reform won’t happen if project 2025 happens.

    suck it up and vote biden, then put the next four years to good use

  • ^^^

  • We know that if ghosts were to eat or drink something, it would taste like sand. The question remaining is, though: do they hypothetically still have the same effect? Like drinking soup when you’re sick. When you’ve caught a bad cold, you can’t taste anything properly either but the soup still makes you feel better the moment you’re drinking it because of the feeling of being taken care of that’s associated with it.

    You can’t tell me that Edwin and Charles don’t wrap their hands around mugs full of hot chocolate when the girls stay with them. They can’t really feel the warmth or taste the rich sweetness but the comfort still reaches them.

    I also think about what effect alcohol would have. Them celebrating a birthday and they open a bottle of wine or something. Would they still feel the effect they would’ve felt if they had been alive? Them becoming a little tipsy, smiles a little looser, laughs a little louder, blushing lightly? Edwin and Charles not being able to look away from each other (as if they ever could) when they have just found another thing they are experiencing together for the first time?

  • listen, tumblr seems to fucking hate this post because it does not shop up in the tags but who cares, Imma reblog it

  • charles taking advantage of being a ghost to sing along to songs at the top of his lungs and not bother anyone in the building except edwin and some poor random tenant who lives three floors down

  • We know that if ghosts were to eat or drink something, it would taste like sand. The question remaining is, though: do they hypothetically still have the same effect? Like drinking soup when you’re sick. When you’ve caught a bad cold, you can’t taste anything properly either but the soup still makes you feel better the moment you’re drinking it because of the feeling of being taken care of that’s associated with it.

    You can’t tell me that Edwin and Charles don’t wrap their hands around mugs full of hot chocolate when the girls stay with them. They can’t really feel the warmth or taste the rich sweetness but the comfort still reaches them.

    I also think about what effect alcohol would have. Them celebrating a birthday and they open a bottle of wine or something. Would they still feel the effect they would’ve felt if they had been alive? Them becoming a little tipsy, smiles a little looser, laughs a little louder, blushing lightly? Edwin and Charles not being able to look away from each other (as if they ever could) when they have just found another thing they are experiencing together for the first time?

  • Saw someone on TikTok mention that right after Crystal and Charles have their “we should just be friends for now” talk, it cuts to Edwin holding Monty’s astrology book, reading, “remarkably low compatibility between Taurus and Aries” aloud. The implication here being that those are Charles and Crystals star signs. Which obviously I love as a Payneland truther but also EDWINS A FUCKING CAPRICORN!!! His obliviously jealous ass was reading up on the compatibility between Charles and Crystal and he STILL didn’t realize he was in love with Charles. Babe the call is coming from within the house and your holding the fucking phone!!!

  • Now, I don't know which one is which but Aries being temperamental and passionate while Taurus is hard-working and dependable... something tells me Charles might be Taurus.

    And so...

  • &. zinnia theme by seyche