probably listening to Hozier rn
  • @dead-twink-detectives @untulithed


    I don’t know what I expected but I definitely wasn’t disappointed; it was all over the place and I’m so here for it. Mind the last movie I watched was All of Us Strangers and this here was entirely different vibe but soooo good. Wasn’t bored for a single second

    Thoughts ranged from “this is absolutely insane, I love it” to “what am I watching, I love it” and “wait. That hit a little close to home”

    Also Lukas’ hair is magnificent

  • 1 week ago on June 20, 2024
    1. schelluminium reblogged this from makemeimmortalwithahug
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    3. makemeimmortalwithahug reblogged this from sadundefinedbread and added:
      Highly recommended! I had a blast watching it!
    4. untulithed reblogged this from makemeimmortalwithahug
    5. sadundefinedbread reblogged this from makemeimmortalwithahug and added:
      Should I watch it??
    &. zinnia theme by seyche