probably listening to Hozier rn

dead boy detectives and good omens

  • when chasing a new case across London, the agency winds up in Soho. It’s been raining and Crystal is soaked to the bones, so she finds refuge in a shop. The boys follow her in. It seems like no-one is there, until an aggravated voice can be heard.

    “You’ve got to be joking.”

    Edwin turns and sees, a tartan blanket around his shoulders, Crowley - one of the actually nice (Edwin can feel Crowley shudder just by thinking that four-letter word) demons.

    “Crowley,” Edwin says pleasantly, slowly indicating Charles that there is no need for the cricket bat. “I thought Hell seemed awfully empty but obviously all the devils indeed are here.”

    Charles and Crystal share a sharp look. Edwin rarely makes jokes about Hell, especially after what has happened in Port Townsend.

    “Obviously,” Crowley mimicks. “Of course, thought I’d be rid of your sass, but here you are.”

    Crowley continues grumbling but even he can’t hide the smile when he looks at the ghost.

    “Had to hear from Beelzebub through the vine that you took another tumble down the staircase. At least your bowtie’s still in place. Hey, angel, look!”

  • Hob "I worked in the printing industry since its conception, and I keep rare bible misprints for sentimental value" Gadling


    Aziraphale "That Mr. Gadling better stop hoarding the Rarest Bible Misprints to himself or so Help Me God" Fell

  • Hob in Fell's book shop looking at the rare misprints: Oh God, how did he get that one? I was so hungover that day it's embarrassing.

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    Plus OP's tags above, and also these from other reblogs:

  • Right now I’m sitting in bed CRYING LIKE A DAMN BABY because I started thinking about Aziraphale and it made me feel feelings

    I’m having too many emotions and I DO NOT KNOW WHY I AM LIKE THIS

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  • This really makes sense that tumblr is referred to as a hellsite because I'm half convinced that every other person here is just Crowley posting from an alt account or via human possession.

    And even if you THINK you're not, demons can possess. How certain can you be that you HAVEN'T been possessed by Crowley?

  • As we know, angels can possess, too. I’m pretty sure Aziraphale has visited a few times.

  • Crowley invented the concept of having an emotional breakdown and then venting into the void of the internet

  • &. zinnia theme by seyche