Loki-is-my-God-of-Mischief — Took You Long Enough (Remus x GN!Reader)

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Took You Long Enough (Remus x GN!Reader)

A/N:   So in this fic, Reader is Lucius Malfoy’s sibling but you are not a death eater, you are part of the order.

Reader was a marauder so you will be referred to as your nickname.

Also Sirius is alive. Don’t have the heart to keep him dead.

Also Emery means brave and powerful as a lion (it’s English in origins), since that is your animagus. 


Let’s begin….

12 Grimmauld place was shrouded in a tense atmosphere as Harry found out the person who has been helping the order from the shadows is in fact (Y/N) Malfoy. Sirius and Remus were tense in posture, waiting to leap to (Y/N)’s defence if they needed it. Harry, however, did something unexpected of him…he sat down, stared at them, and said “explain.”

Remus started off the explanation, “They were one of our closest friends in school Harry. They are a Marauder just like us.”

Sirius jumps in next, “They are fiercely protective of us and fiercely loyal. They’re just like me, disowned from our horrible families.”

(Y/N) finished the speech off by saying, “I know you have problems with the Malfoy family and you probably won’t accept me but I will still protect you, even then. As we promised James that we would if anything happened to him and Lily.”

Harry stared long and hard at (Y/N) to the point that Sirius and Remus were rigid. Then he saw the truth in their (E/C) eyes, walked up to them and gripped them tight in a welcoming hug. “I believe you….Emery.”

“How do you know that name?” (Y/N) breathed, relieved yet shocked at hearing the endearing name.

“It was on the map…Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs, & Mx. Leonidas.”

“Haha, so that’s how you sneak around Hogwarts after curfew. I should have known, just like your father.” (Y/N) praises.


After many stories being told to Harry of the many adventures of the Marauders time in school, (Y/N) excused themselves and moved outside in the back garden to get some fresh air. The remaining people watching them go. “How close was (Y/N) to my parents?” Harry asked, turning to face Sirius and Remus. “They were made one of your Godparents if that’s what you’re asking?” Sirius replied.

“My Godparent?”

“Of course, did you really think Lily would trust Sirius to be Godfather without having some back up.” Remus replied heartily, covering a snicker when Sirius threw him a dirty look.

“So (Y/N) and Sirius weren’t together?”

“Are you kidding, (Y/N) and the notorious man-whore? Together? Nope, never happened.” Remus admitted to which Sirius looked affronted.

“Man-whore?! How dare you! I just had a lot of love to go around is all. Besides, you were the one with the massive crush on them. Still do actually.”

“Wha-What? I do not have a crush!”

“Yes you do.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Yes you do!”

“No, I-”

“Maybe you should just tell them Moony. After all, it’s obvious you do like them.” Harry interrupted the playful argument.

“Pup’s got a point Moony. Go. Go tell them, what’s the worst that could happen?”

“Laugh in my face.” Remus replied moodily.

“You know they would never do that because they’re not like that. Just go and tell them.”

“Fine.” Remus finally relents and raises from his seat in the living room to head to the back garden.

“Do you think he will notice that they love him too?” Harry asks.

“Yes, if he doesn’t bottle it and cowers out like a chicken.” Laughs Sirius.


Five Minutes. Five minutes Remus has been stood in the back doorway just watching (Y/N) in the light of the half-moon. They were the only person he admitted to being a werewolf to. The others just figured it out. But they… (Y/N) he wanted to save from himself. How stupid he was to think that they would ever run away from or fear him. They are beautiful inside and out. Their pale blonde hair streaked with (H/C) (If you are blonde then favourite colour). Their big (E/C) eyes that sparkle in the moonlight. They are stunning, how could they ever love a monster like him. “Stop it!” Surprised Remus looked up. He hadn’t even realised he looked away, to find the object of his affection right in front of him with an angry expression on their face. “What?” He replied dumbfounded.

“Do you really think after all these years that I don’t know when you are thinking self-loathing thoughts! That you’re thinking you are a monster when you’re not!” (Y/N) shouted at Remus, tears in their eyes.

“Hey, why are you crying?” Remus asked soothingly, bringing them into an embrace.

“I just want you to realise that you’re not a monster. You are a smart, kind gentleman. Why can’t you see the good in you that I do.”

“Maybe…you can show me the good in me that you so obviously see…”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean…I love you (Y/N)” Remus hesitantly admits, to which you smirk.

“Took you long enough.”


“Remus, I fell in love with you when we were in third year and you pranked Sirius after he got me detention.”

“Then I should prank Sirius more often…”

“Haha, no. Maybe WE should” “I Love you” you say together.

harry potter marauders hp marauders remus lupin reader insert gn reader remus x reader remus lupin x reader harry potter x reader marauders x reader gn!reader

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