Loki-is-my-God-of-Mischief — The One (John Watson x Female!Reader)

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The One (John Watson x Female!Reader)


A/N:  This is set after John finds out about Mary, but John and Mary agree that it isn’t going to work. I love Mary and John together but I wanted to do a John x Reader.


You and John have been dating for a while, 2 months to be exact. He keeps telling you of his adventures with Sherlock which you always enjoyed. He hadn’t however, let you meet him. You have met his ex wife Mary and their child though, you expected some hostility from Mary but surprisingly received none. You and Mary were close friends now, you also help out with their daughter whenever you can, but that’s another story. Back to the matter at hand, John has just said something you didn’t expect.
“I said…*cough*…I want you to meet…Sherlock” He mumbled, his eyes giving away his worry.
“Sherlock? Sherlock Sherlock? As in, the highly functioning sociopath Sherlock?”
“…Okay. When?”
“In an hour.”
“An Hour? Your only telling me this now?” Why didn’t he tell me this earlier.
“I didn’t want to give you time to refuse…or talk me out of it.” He smiles nervously.
“No, no…Let’s go.”

The taxi ride was unnaturally silent. It’s like I’m hyper-aware of every little thing. I think anyone in this situation would be getting more and more anxious, getting closer to meeting the infamous Sherlock. Not me. No, I’m actually getting more excited the closer we get to 221B Baker Street. You wanted to meet the man that could tell everything and anything about a person just from looking at them. It sounded so fascinating to you.

You’ve finally arrived. You and John pay the driver and turn towards the door, with it’s slightly wonky sign. As you entered and headed upstairs, John grabbed your hand and gave a firm squeeze, then entered the room first. After a while you followed after. The first thing you saw was a tall man with a head of black curls standing by the window. You decided to scan the room, noticing papers scattered on the coffee table, probably cases, then…wait…Is that a human skull?
“Sherlock, this is (Y/N). My girlfriend.” You were distracted from the skull by John’s voice and turned towards the tall man, who you now have confirmed to be Sherlock. He was just staring at you, he must be deducing you or something.

Sherlock POV

No matter how long I look at this (Y/N), I can’t see anything. Nothing. I can’t seem to deduce her. As much as I’m loath to admit, that is quite impressive. i just nod to her to prove that I have acknowledged her.
“How about I make some tea, I’m sure you and John have lots to catch up on, Sherlock.” (Y/N) suggests with a warm smile. Not that smiles can be warm, it’s just that’s how her smiles make you feel. Hmmm, quite unusual.
“No sugar and milky, right John?”
“Of course, thanks (Y/N)”
“Black, two sugars Sherlock?”
“Um, yes. Thank you. How did you-”
“Know? John told me, I have my tea the same way.” (sorry if you don’t)

As (Y/N) is trying to find things in the kitchen, I look towards John and see that he is watching her movements with an amused smile yet an adoring look in his eyes. He must really like her.
“So how long have you and (Y/N) been together then?”
“About two months now”
“Such a long time for me to not have met her.”
“Well, you usually scare them off or cause them to become jealous.” He states with a laugh. To which I reply with a smirk.
“Why the sudden change then? Why meet up now?”
“Because I know she isn’t the jealous type, and I’m partially sure you won’t scare her off.”
“Only partially?”
“Well, you never know with you.” He laughs again and this time I join him. (Y/N) comes back with the drinks, and surprisingly makes no comment about the brain I have stored in the fridge next to the milk. She sits on the arm of Johns chair, leaning on his shoulder, mindful of the wound he has there. The talk continues but with a new topic and I barely listen, more focused on how John and (Y/N) are interacting with each other.

Before I realise, a few hours have gone by. I actually enjoyed the conversation that I had with John and (Y/N). She is quite intelligent, not on my standards but more than John’s. Not on par with me but, as Mycroft would say, not a goldfish either. I follow them towards the stairs and grab (Y/N)’s arm before she could descend. I then turn towards John and extend my hand. When he hesitantly grabs it I shake his hand.
“Congratulations.” I say, and I mean it. “She’s the one.”

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