Loki-is-my-God-of-Mischief — To Find Your Mate (Young!Remus x Male!Reader)

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To Find Your Mate (Young!Remus x Male!Reader)

It can be hard being a werewolf, especially when you don’t accept your wolf. It can become very painful because the wolf is trying to rip itself out of you. I should know, I have experienced this first-hand. It doesn’t help that many people’s views of werewolves is that we are monsters. But we’re not, not all of us at least. I mean yeah, there are monsters. Wolves like Greyback, they have no excuse for their behaviour but others can’t help it. They fear their wolves, don’t accept them and in return the wolf becomes angry and in its blind rage attacks anything it comes across. I know this because I have done this. But now I accept my wolf and we are both better off now that I have, that doesn’t mean people accept me though. I just want to find someone who will accept me. It’s hard being a student at Hogwarts in normal circumstances never mind trying to hide what and who you are.


Professor Dumbledore doesn’t trust me on my own out in the forest anymore. He knows what I am and has allowed me to turn in the forest for my first six years at Hogwarts but now I can’t. So now I am heading to the medical wing so Madam Pomfrey can take me to the Shrieking Shack. When I enter, I wasn’t expecting anyone but Madam Pomfrey but there was someone else. A boy from my year with auburn hair and green eyes was standing next to the schools medi-witch. I head towards Poppy cautiously. “Come now Mr (Last/N). It’s not like you to be nervous.” Poppy says with a kind smile.

“Me? Nervous? Never.” I reply flashing a grin in her direction, receiving an eye roll for my troubles. I turn toward the other occupant of the room. “Who’s this?”

“This is Mr. Lupin. He will be accompanying you during the full moon tonight.”

“WHAT!!!” was the incredulous shout from the boy revealed as Mr. Lupin. I ignore his shout and ask, “So he’s a wolf too then?”

“Wait…too?” again Mr. Lupin goes momentarily ignored.

“Indeed.” was Poppy’s reply before she turned to Mr. Lupin. “Really Mr. Lupin, please close your mouth before you catch flies.” She tries for admonishing but I could clearly hear the amusement in her tone. From the look on Mr. Lupin’s face, it is clear he also heard it.


We were now at the shack, which was disgusting by the way, and Madam Pomfrey had already left. There was still a few hours before the moon was officially out so I decided to get to know my fellow wolf. “So, what’s your name?”

“Remus. Remus Lupin but my friends call me Moony. You?”

“(Y/N) (Last/N). Your friends call you Moony?” I ask as I beckon him to sit near me on the broken bed.

“Yeah, you know. Because of the moon and stuff.” he finishes with a dismissive shrug.

“You mean your friends know?” He nods. “And accepts you?” again he nods. “Wow, you have great friends.”

“They mean the world to me, they are pack. I’ll introduce you to them, you’ll like them.”

“Sure.” It was at that moment that the moon started to rise, both our heads snapped to the window and basked in its glory…or I did anyway. I rose from the broken bed and stood in the centre of the moonlight, I allowed my wolf to have full control of my body, completely trusting that he will keep me safe and behave. The change happens quick after that, I barely feel it from the protection of my wolfs inner conscious. Screaming breaks through the peace I feel and the wolf snaps his head toward the sound. Remus is the source; he is screaming so loud that we both whimper.

My wolf heads over to Remus and try to offer comfort by rubbing against his side. It doesn’t seem to be working and it worries us both deeply. After a long while of screaming it finally stops. In the place of what was once a screaming boy now stands a strong yet angry auburn wolf. My wolf heads over to the wolf and tries to calm him down, obviously the boy doesn’t accept Moony. Moony growls low and deep the moment he spots me, not a natural alpha but the alpha of his little pack. In order to not anger the wolf more, we lower our underbelly to the ground and crawl our way over. The growling lowers in intensity but doesn’t leave, once we reach the wolf we roll onto our back and roll our head to the side giving access and showing our vulnerable stomach. The growling stops as the wolf lowers his head to smell our stomach then up to our offered neck, after a thorough smell the wolf nuzzles our neck and allows us to stand. We are no longer a threat. It seems once a rejected wolf is calmed it reverts to basic instinct. Interesting. My wolf urges me that we should tire the wolf out with a game of tag, I agree to this and the game begins with a playful nip the front paw of the auburn wolf. The chase is on.


It’s been months since we first met, I’ve been trying to teach Remus to accept his wolf. We have reached the stage where Remus trusts Moony enough to take over the change. This has helped since Remus won’t feel the pain of the change anymore. I’ve also made friends who accept me at last, I’m now officially a Marauder…in training. Not too good at pranks yet. But I now have a Marauder nickname and name for my wolf, Lycidas. It means Wolf Son in ancient Greek. Not to creative but Lycidas loves it. I love all of my friends but I’m closest to Remus, especially lately. I’ve been feeling a pull toward him lately, Lycidas knows what it means but he won’t tell me. Apparently it’s up to Remus to tell me. Tonight, is a full moon so me and Remus will be meeting again, sometimes the other Marauders join us but today they have detention. I meet with Remus in the Medical wing and together with Madam Pomfrey we head toward the Shack. The entire time there I can tell Remus is nervous, which is strange because ever since a few months ago he hasn’t feared a change since it doesn’t hurt anymore. I grow worried the more he looks nervous.

During the few hours before the change Remus is unusually quiet. He doesn’t say a single word to me, just continues pacing back and forth in the centre of the room. I’m trying to build up enough courage to ask what’s wrong but the look on Remus’ face stops me every time. Finally, though, just before we start to change, Remus looks right at me and says “We’re mates. We are destined for each other and I love you.” Before I could reply, our wolves take over and the change begins. It was quick and painless for both of us and when Lycidas looks on over at Moony it is to see him waiting patiently, staring at him. Lycidas walks on over to Moony and nuzzles his neck before licking his muzzle. Moony gives a happy yip before speeding off into the forest, it happened so fast that even Lycidas was confused as to what was happening. Moments later, Moony returns with a dead forest animal in his jaws and drops it at his paws. Lycidas immediately recognises this as a courting gift, if he eats it he is accepting Moony as his mate, if he doesn’t he is rejecting him. Lycidas talks it over with me to make sure we both agree. After a very brief discussion, Lycidas eats the kill accepting the courtship.


The next morning, I wake up and notice that Remus is up before me. He doesn’t look his cheerful self, which is worrying to both me and Lycidas. We walk on over to Remus who is looking out the shack window. “You ok Remus?” The boy in question jumps at my voice and spins round.

“Oh. (Y/N) you scared the life out of me. I didn’t know you were up. Are you well?”

“I am fine. I was just wondering the same about you. You seem awfully down.”

“I’m fine.” Even Lycidas could tell that Remus wasn’t being truthful.

“Is fine werewolf for not fine at all?”

“What? No, why?”

“I’m trying to justify why you would lie to me.” When I saw him flinch I realised I could have worded that better. “Sorry, I mean…ugh…I just want to know what’s wrong. I don’t like it when you’re not yourself.” He looks into my eyes and I look back seeing nothing but insecurity.

“ Lycidas may have chosen Moony, but how on earth will you ever choose me.” Remus finally admits sadly. If I was expecting anything it definitely wasn’t that. Over the months that I have known Remus, I have never once seen him this self-depreciating. I don’t like it; the look doesn’t suit him. “I have and always will choose you Remus. You are the most wonderful man I have ever met. You are charming, loyal, brave, kind-hearted, and so sweet you put your favourite chocolate to shame. Why would I ever make the mistake in not choosing you.” By the end of my speech Remus looks utterly shocked.

“You really think all that of me?”

“Of course, I do, I wouldn’t lie about this.”

“So, you accept me then?” he asks, starting to look hopeful.

“Of course, I do. But if you bring me a dead animal whilst we are human, I will kill you.” We laugh at this and I decided then and there that Remus should be laughing all the time as that is his best look and I will be the one to put it there.

“It’s beautiful.” Remus’ comment snaps me out of my thoughts and I focus on him completely.

“What is?”

“This feeling. To find your mate and they accept you.” I smile at this and get one in return. “Yeah, it is.”

harry potter harry potter x reader remus lupin reader insert male reader male!reader remus x reader remus lupin x reader reader is werewolf werewolf!reader mates hp hp marauders marauders

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