Loki-is-my-God-of-Mischief — One Way To Move In (Sherlock x Female!Reader)

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One Way To Move In (Sherlock x Female!Reader)


A/N: So it’s been a few years since I wrote anything and I decided to turn my old oneshot My Girlfriend Tells Me Everything into a series so please read that first if you haven’t. I’m not quite happy with how this turned out but I’m going to continue this series anyway so please be kind.

It was 8pm by the time (Y/N) saw their apartment door. After just getting off a twelve-hour shift, all they wanted was to eat the leftover Chinese in the fridge and pass out in bed. Being a doctor was always (Y/N)’s dream but the hours sucked….hard. Seeing the door in front of them, they quickened their pace and hurried inside.

“Look what the cat dragged in” Claire, (Y/N)’s roommate of two years, states. (Y/N) turns towards them on the couch and glares at them, which comes out as more of a grimace due to exhaustion. Claire looks them up and down and proceeds a drawn-out whistle. “Damn, that cat drag you through a hedge or something? You look rough.”

“Wow, thanks. That’s just what I wanted to hear.” (Y/N) snaps before heading to the fridge for the desired Chinese food.

“Well what do you expect, you’ve been out since yester-“ Claire cuts herself off with a gasp. “Oh, you dirty stop out you! You were with Sherlock weren’t you! Omg, when am I going to meet this ‘elusive genius’ of yours?” This draws a laugh out of (Y/N).

“No I wasn’t with Sherlock, I was at work. Which by the way, shouldn’t you be heading off to work now? Go get ready to leave and let me eat my Chinese and pass out for a week in peace please” said Chinese gets stuffed into (Y/N)’s mouth to emphasise her point. Claire just chuckles at the sight whilst heading to her room. She calls over her shoulder, “Yeah, yeah. I’m going. Jeez. Not all of us can crash for a week you know, we’re not all fancy private doctors.”

The following day finds (Y/N) heading to the hospital to meet up with John for lunch, a regular occurrence since he found out about the whole ‘dating his best friend’ thing. She doesn’t even have to enter the hospital as she spots him at the entrance upon her arrival. “Hey John!” Said man looks up from his phone upon hearing his name. “Hey (Y/N). I hope you don’t mind but I’ll have to bail on lunch a bit early. Rosamund is has a bit of a cold and Mrs. Hudson has to leave in an hour. I’m really sorry” John starts to ramble his apology.

“John…John…John!” The shout finally catches his attention, “That’s completely fine, you don’t have to apologise. What kind of person would be upset on you wanting to look after your sick kid” (Y/N) smiles kindly.

“You’re right. Sorry.”

“Stop apologising John.”

“Right. Sorry” they both look at each other at the involuntary apology and giggle. “Shall we?”.

The walk to the café felt relatively short as they spent the time cooing over pictures of Rosamund. They decided to go to the café under 221B Baker Street so that John could be close to Rosamund in case Mrs. Hudson had to leave early. After sitting down with some tea and John buying some cake to share, as Mary would kill him if he broke his diet, the conversation turned to Sherlock.

“So you never did explain why you kept your relationship a secret.” John states giving (Y/N) an expectant look. She sighs.

“Well, you know how Sherlock is. At first I interested him, he said it was because he can’t deduce me. At first he thought it was because I was dangerous as the last time this happened it was with Mary, back when she was lying” at this John look uncomfortable. “But then he started ‘engaging me in intellectual conversation’ as he put it. I realised this was his way of trying to decipher whether I was a threat. When he realised I wasn’t it was also around the time he realised he may ‘like’ me. Of course being the sociopath he is, he had no idea what to do with that and started being rude and distant” at this (Y/N) laughs “You should have seen his face when I called him out on his shit. He looked like I may have hung the moon itself.”

John laughs himself when trying to imagine it as the image he comes up with is ridiculous. “What happened then?”

“What do you think happened? I get dragged into a car on my way home by Mycroft’s assistant” (Y/N) says exasperated. John laughs remembering his first Mycroft kidnapping. “He spent the next two hours interrogating me. When he deemed me as ‘more than a goldfish’ he proceeded to tell me how I should go about Sherlock”. John looks interested and says “What did you do?”.

“I told him where he can shove his advice. If I wanted to be with Sherlock I would do it my way.”

“What happened?”

“Well it turns out Sherlock was listening; he’d stormed straight to Mycroft’s office when he heard I was there. He asked me out for coffee-” John looked shocked, “-I know! He asked me! And as we were on the date he asked we keep it a secret until he makes sure that this is real for him. He was so worried about hurting me as he finds emptions hard to understand”

Before the conversation could go any further, they get interrupted by John’s phone going off. He excuses himself to answer it. When he comes back he starts apologising again. “Sorry, I have to go. That was Mrs. Hudson. I have to go pick up Rosamund. I’m so sorry”

“John, what did I tell you?”

“Stop apologising, sorry.” He says with a smile which makes (Y/N) giggle.

“Go, I should head home anyway. Give her hugs and kisses from me?” John promises he would, they hug and part ways.

After arriving home (Y/N) decides to surprise Claire with a movie night, with her long hours she hasn’t been able to spend time with Claire in weeks. Deciding to make it special, she goes around the apartment collecting all the things necessary to make a pillow fort because you’re never to old for a pillow fort!

By the time the fort was built, Claire was just arriving home. “What’s all this?”

“Surprise! Pillow fort and movie night?” Claire’s face lights up at the suggestion. “Hell yes! Chinese food followed by copious amounts of ice cream?”

(Y/N) laughs, “You read my mind”.

“Ok well let me change out of my work clothes and then you can ord-” she gets cut off by the window shattering. (Y/N) screams whilst turning towards the window. She presses herself to the floor and sees Claire’s hair against the floor behind the couch. She shuffles her way over to help her hide and come up with a plan to leave without getting shot. (Y/N) screams again as she makes it to Claire. Surrounding her head was a puddle of blood, growing by the second and right in the centre of her forehead was a bullet wound. (Y/N) grabs her phone out of her pocket and calls Lestrade.


“Greg?” Greg hears the tears and uneven breath and immediately fires of questions.

“(Y/N)? Are you ok? What’s wrong? What’s going on?”

“Greg. My friend she…she’s…she’s been shot. Oh my go-” a sob forces it’s way out of (Y/N)’s mouth.

“(Y/N)? Where are you, tell me where you are?”

“I’m at my home”

“I’m on my way, I’ll bring Sherlock and John” and with that the line goes dead.

Much of what happens next goes by in a blur for (Y/N). She pays some attention when Sherlock pulls her into a hug but all she can focus on is the spot her friend lay. Even when the coroners remove the body, she still focuses on that spot. All she can hear is an overwhelming buzzing in her ears. It wasn’t until Greg kneels in her line of sight that she snaps out of it. “Mm, what?” she says in a daze.

“Hey, I said it’s probably best if you don’t stay here. We’re still not sure if you were also a target or not. It’s not safe here.” Greg says gently.

“Obviously Gareth, she’ll be staying with me at 221.” Sherlock cuts in like it was obvious.

“Greg.” (Y/N) says numbly.

“Yes?” Greg answers thinking she was talking to him.

“His name is Greg Sherlock” she continues, almost sounding dead inside.

“Really? That’s what she focuses on?” Anderson says in the background, receiving glares from Sherlock, John and Greg.

“She’s in shock you buffoon!” Greg admonishes.

“Want me to pack your things (Y/N)?” John asks kindly.

“Wait? Pack my things for what?” (Y/N) asks confused, having missed most of what was spoken about in the last ten minutes.

“To move to 221B. It’s not safe here.” States Sherlock, looking more concerned by the minute.

“Well…” (Y/N) attempts some form of smile to break the tension, “…That’s one way to ask me to move in.”

Sherlock Sherlock Holmes sherlock x reader Sherlock Holmes x Reader bbc sherlock Female reader female!reader sherlock x female reader john watson greg lestrade anderson is a dick

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