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Program for Evaluating Patterns in the Pileups of Erroneous Reads

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P.E.P.P.E.R. is a deep neural network based polisher designed to work with Oxford Nanopore Sequencing technology. P.E.P.P.E.R. uses a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based encoder-decoder model to call a consensus sequence from the summary statistics of each genomic position. The local realignment process using SSW is used and the module does not require any prior polishing with other tools (i.e. racon).

© 2020 Kishwar Shafin, Trevor Pesout, Miten Jain, Benedict Paten.
Computational Genomics Lab (CGL), University of California, Santa Cruz.

Polishing Microbial genomes

Please consult the documentation provided here on how to polish microbial genome assemblies with PEPPER.

Oxford Nanopore variant calling workflow (Limited support release)

In collaboration with the DeepVariant group, we are developing a haplotype-aware variant calling pipeline for Oxford Nanopore sequencing technology. We are releasing the pipeline with limited support until we finalize the pipeline for full support.

PEPPER DeepVariant workflow

How to run the variant calling pipeline

Please consult the documentation provided here on how to run the variant calling pipeline.

Polisher workflow

  • Sequence a genome and get a basecalled reads file (reads.fastq).
  • Use an assembler to get an assembly from the basecalled data (assembly.fa).
  • Use minimap2 to map reads.fastq to assembly.fa and get a bam file (reads_2_assembly.bam).
  • Use pepper polish to polish a genome.



We recommend using Linux environment to run PEPPER.

Install dependencies

sudo apt-get -y install cmake make git gcc g++ autoconf bzip2 lzma-dev zlib1g-dev \
libcurl4-openssl-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev libbz2-dev \
liblzma-dev libhdf5-dev python3-pip python3-virtualenv

Install using pip

python3 -m pip install pepper-polish
# if you get permission error, then try:
python3 -m pip install --user pepper-polish

python3 -m pepper.pepper --help
python3 -m pepper.pepper polish --help

If you want to directly call PEPPER. You can do:

echo 'export PATH="$(python3 -m site --user-base)/bin":$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

pepper --version
pepper --help
pepper polish --help

Install from source

We recommend using virtualenv to run pepper:

git clone
cd pepper
make install
. ./vnev/bin/activate

pepper --help
pepper polish --help

Use Docker container

CPU based docker container
docker run --rm -it --ipc=host kishwars/pepper:latest pepper torch_stat

docker run -it --ipc=host --user=`id -u`:`id -g` --cpus="16" \
-v </directory/with/inputs_outputs>:/data kishwars/pepper:latest \
pepper --help
GPU based docker container
sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-docker2

nvidia-docker run -it --ipc=host kishwars/pepper:latest pepper torch_stat

nvidia-docker run -it --ipc=host --user=`id -u`:`id -g` --cpus="16" \
-v </directory/with/inputs_outputs>:/data kishwars/pepper:latest \
pepper --help


Polishing involves three sub-processes make_images, call_consensus, stitch. You can run all three steps using pepper polish or run each step separately.

Download models

You can download all available PEPPER models in one command.

pepper download_models \
--output_dir </path/to/pepper_model_directory/>

One step polishing

Case 1: CPU machine

If you are using a CPU-only machine you ca use the following command:

pepper polish \
--bam </path/to/reads_2_draft_assembly.bam> \
--fasta <path/to/draft_assembly.fasta> \
--model_path <path/to/pepper/models/XXX.pkl> \
--output_file <path/to/output_polished_sequence/output_file_prefix> \
--threads <total_threads> \
--batch_size 128

Case 2: GPU machine

You can check your CUDA availability by running pepper torch_stat. If you have CUDA available and GPU devices on your machine, you can do:

pepper polish \
--bam </path/to/reads_2_draft_assembly.bam> \
--fasta <path/to/draft_assembly.fasta> \
--model_path <path/to/pepper/models/XXX.pkl> \
--output_file <path/to/output_polished_sequence/output_file_prefix> \
--threads <number_of_threads> \
--batch_size 512 \
--gpu \
--num_workers <num_workers>

You can select which CUDA devices to use with --device_ids parameter.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BAM, --bam BAM     BAM file containing mapping between reads and the
                        draft assembly.
  -f FASTA, --fasta FASTA
                        FASTA file containing the draft assembly.
  -m MODEL_PATH, --model_path MODEL_PATH
                        Path to a trained model.
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output_file OUTPUT_FILE
                        Path to output file with an expected prefix (i.e. -o
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Number of threads to use. Default is 5.
  -r REGION, --region REGION
                        Region in [contig_name:start-end] format
  -bs BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size for testing, default is 100. Suggested
                        values: 256/512/1024.
  -g, --gpu             If set then PyTorch will use GPUs for inference. CUDA
  -dx, --distributed_off
                        Turn off distributed inference. This mode will disable
                        the use of multiple callers.
  -d_ids DEVICE_IDS, --device_ids DEVICE_IDS
                        List of gpu device ids to use for inference. Only used
                        in distributed setting. Example usage: --device_ids
                        0,1,2 (this will create three callers in id 'cuda:0,
                        cuda:1 and cuda:2' If none then it will use all
                        available devices.
  -w NUM_WORKERS, --num_workers NUM_WORKERS
                        Number of workers for loading images. Default is 4.
  -tpc THREADS_PER_CALLER, --threads_per_caller THREADS_PER_CALLER
                        Total threads to be used per caller. A sane value
                        would be num_callers * threads <= total_threads.
  -c CALLERS, --callers CALLERS
                        Total number of callers to spawn if doing CPU
                        inference in distributed mode.


PEPPER achieves lower error rate than ONT suggested pipeline.

We compared PEPPER against Racon-Medaka pipeline and we demonstrate significantly better results for microbial genomes. We used Staphylococcus Aureus samples to evaluate these two pipelines. The PEPPER microbial model was trained on samples excluding Staphylococcus Aureus. We used r941_prom_high model to run Medaka.


New R10 chemistry shows further improvement in polishing results

The new R10 data is now available for MinION and we polished the assembly generated with R9 data using the R10 reads. The R10 data provides significant improvement in overall quality of the genome.



We are thankful to the developers of these packages:

Fun Fact


The name "P.E.P.P.E.R." is also inspired from an A.I. created by Tony Stark in the Marvel Comics (Earth-616). PEPPER is named after Tony Stark's then friend and the CEO of Resilient, Pepper Potts.

© 2020 Kishwar Shafin, Trevor Pesout, Miten Jain, Benedict Paten.