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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Tumblr for a new user on iOS

I have been using Tumblr for the past week, before that, I have never really jumped into it.

My first impression of the platform was that it was a more user choice-focused platform, kinda like Reddit. I got this impression from the Markdown and HTML editors that you can use to customize your blog and write posts. I was really impressed that a modern social media company still allowed the choice to edit custom HTML for blogs and a rich content editor for posts. However, this was all in the web interface…

When I opened the iPad app, I quickly realized that the app is nowhere near optimized for the iPad or any of Apple’s newer technologies. In this post, I will be going over how I think Tumblr can take some of the new technologies Apple has released so far in WWDC and make their platform one of the most advanced social media on iOS.

What I think Tumblr could improve upon

The iPad UI

Other posts have touched a lot more on Tumblr’s iPad UI so I will not go as in-depth as them. However I do have to say, it really needs improvement. Having one central post-column looks comical on an iPad and really ruins the look and feel of Tumblr. I think adapting to Apple’s new multi-column layouts for iPad would be an amazing choice for Tumblr.

Supporting new technologies like multi-column layouts would put Tumblr ahead of the competition. A lot of social media currently do not support iPad’s as well as they could. They just show a scaled-up version of their mobile interface. This leads to a lot of annoyances about the iPad app. With a lot of people moving to iPad’s as the main device, having an unoptimized iPad app will send people away from using Tumblr as their blogging platform.


Apple so far has talked a lot about the new iPad multitasking features. Now there isn’t really much at all that has been added, it is just way more discoverable than before. With more discoverability comes more users looking to use it in their favorite apps.

When I tried to use Tumblr in a multitasking manner, it just fails to work. There is no way to have multiple windows of the app, and when it is in split-screen the UI fails to adapt well. I believe adding support for iPad’s new multitasking features will allow Tumblr to fly ahead of other social media at a user experience level. On Apple devices, Everything Just Works. And for the Tumblr app and multitasking, it doesn’t. New and returning users will look to use multitasking and then learn that it is not supported, leaving them a little disappointed. I think supporting features like these are essential for Tumblr to thrive in the growing social media space.

Shortcuts Support

A lot of my time is spent using and creating Shortcuts. I really wish that Tumblr had a lot more support for Shortcuts. Currently, Tumblr has one action, and you need to login into that action inside the Shortcuts app. Even if you are logged into the Tumblr app on your device. I think that improved support for Shortcuts will be necessary for the future for any app on an Apple Platform. Doing simple things: like opening a specific blog, or going to your favorite creator’s page, should all be doable through Shortcuts actions. Apple has been putting a lot of time and development into Shortcuts, and I really believe that Tumblr should integrate as well as it can into the Shortcut ecosystem.

In Total

I believe that Tumblr should look into supporting more of iOS’s power-user features. These features will bring more people to the platform. It also makes Tumblr a good model candidate for an iOS social media app.