


Seattle, WA 31.147.881 Follower:innen


Amazon wird von vier Grundprinzipien geleitet: Fokus auf den Kunden statt auf den Wettbewerb, Leidenschaft für neue Erfindungen, Verpflichtung zu operativer Exzellenz und langfristiges Denken. Wir werden von der Begeisterung angetrieben, Technologien zu entwickeln, Produkte zu erfinden und Dienstleistungen anzubieten, die das Leben verändern. Wir sind offen für neue Wege, treffen schnell Entscheidungen und haben keine Angst zu scheitern. Wir haben den Umfang und die Fähigkeiten eines großen Unternehmens und den Gründergeist und das Herz eines kleinen Unternehmens. Gemeinsam erforschen und entwickeln die Teams bei Amazon neue Technologien, von Amazon Web Services bis Alexa, für Kundinnen und Kunden auf der ganzen Welt, die bei Amazon einkaufen, verkaufen, Inhalte erschaffen und Produkte entwickeln. Unser Ziel ist es, das kundenorientierteste Unternehmen der Welt zu sein. Unsere Handlungen, Ziele, Projekte, Programme und Erfindungen beginnen und enden damit, dass Kundinnen und Kunden im Mittelpunkt stehen. Wir sagen immer, dass es bei Amazon immer "Tag 1" ist. Was wir damit meinen? Dass unser Ansatz immer noch derselbe ist wie am allerersten Tag von Amazon - kluge, schnelle Entscheidungen zu treffen, wendig zu bleiben, Neues erfinden und sich darauf zu konzentrieren, unsere Kunden zu begeistern.

10.001+ Beschäftigte
Seattle, WA
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
e-Commerce, Retail, Operations und Internet


Beschäftigte von Amazon


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    31.147.881 Follower:innen

    At a time when rapid responses to natural disasters are essential, we have taken a decisive step: Our new disaster relief base in Rheinberg, Germany, near Düsseldorf, is now operational. 🚀 🇩🇪 We have 13 Disaster Relief Hubs that span across Germany, Australia, India, Japan, and the United States. These bases allow us to respond efficiently to emergencies like floods, fires, and earthquakes by leveraging our global logistics network to quickly deliver relief supplies. Our items in stock include tents, blankets, camp beds, mats, sleeping bags, and hygiene kits with soap, toothbrushes, and toothpaste. Our data analysis confirms that over 80% of the items required in the event of a disaster are always the same, which underlines our preparedness and efficiency. We work closely with national and international aid organizations such as Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, Save the Children Deutschland, and IOM - UN Migration to meet their needs and procure the products they need in advance. 👀 Thanks to our teams, and the NGO partners for working to build this together. 👏 ⛑️

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  • Unternehmensseite von Amazon anzeigen, Grafik

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    "I think an embarrassing amount of how well you do [in your career] has to do with attitude. Do you work hard? Are you more can-do than nay-saying? Do you show up on time? Do you do what you said you were going to do? Can you work on a team? Those things seem so simple, and there’s so many things you can’t control in your work life, but you can control your attitude." Our CEO, Andy Jassy, sat down for an exclusive interview with LinkedIn’s CEO, Ryan Roslansky, to talk about his unique career journey, including his top 3 pieces of career advice. You definitely want to check it out! ⬇️ What career advice would you give to someone?

  • Unternehmensseite von Amazon anzeigen, Grafik

    31.147.881 Follower:innen

    May is Military Appreciation Month. In 2021, we pledged to hire 100,000 veterans and military spouses worldwide by 2024, and we’re pleased to share that we passed that goal back in January. "Employees with a military background are not just valued members of our workforce; they are integral to our culture, enriching Amazon with their diverse perspectives, unwavering commitment, and exceptional leadership qualities," said J. Ofori Agboka, VP of People Experience & Technology. We’re lucky to have so many great veterans and military spouses on board, and we want to support them in any way we can. That’s why we offer a range of career programs to assist transitioning service members and military spouses, including company-funded skills training through the Amazon Technical Apprenticeship Program and AWS re/Start. They can also take advantage of free upskilling opportunities through programs like Career Choice, Amazon’s prepaid tuition program for employees looking to move into high-demand occupations. Veterans and military spouses working at Amazon also have access to fellowships, mentorships, military spouse support, and deployment benefits. Read more about how we’re supporting veterans and military spouses:

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  • Unternehmensseite von Amazon anzeigen, Grafik

    31.147.881 Follower:innen

    Data tells us the current pharmacy system is broken. For example, 30% of people don’t pick up their medications on time, which can lead to health risks. The good news? Home delivery has been shown to improve the likelihood that patients get and take their medication. 💊 🩺 Prescription medication delivery has existed since the 1940s, but it accounts for just 10% of U.S. pharmacy orders. Amazon Pharmacy is modernizing the home-delivery experience by reducing delivery speeds to just hours in some cases, providing real-time delivery updates, and helping customers manage acute conditions like the flu from home. Amazon uses generative AI and machine learning to help pharmacists fill prescriptions more quickly and accurately. This tech doesn’t replace pharmacists – it relieves them of duplicative and time-consuming administrative work, so they can focus on helping more people. For example, the traditional process of manually filling, labeling, and sending prescriptions takes three minutes. Our robotic arms can do that in as little as 30 seconds while reducing the likelihood of administrative errors. That lets pharmacists focus their time and energy on patient care – they also verify that every prescription leaving a fulfillment center includes the right medicine, strength, dosage, quantity, and address label. We’re grateful for our entire Amazon Pharmacy team, who’s helping us make customer lives easier! 👏

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    Congrats to our Prime Video & Amazon Studios and MGM teams who worked on Fallout, our second most-watched title ever with 65 million views in its first 16 days. 🤯 With a 94% rating from critics on Rotten Tomatoes and an 8.5 from viewers on, we're just as excited as fans that it's been renewed for a second season. For those new to Fallout, it's based on the iconic video game franchise and takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where citizens live in underground bunkers to protect themselves from radiation, mutants, and bandits. Watch below as Walton Goggins transforms into his character, The Ghoul, before filming. Kudos to all of our employees and partners who helped bring this show to life! 🎬 👏

  • Unternehmensseite von Amazon anzeigen, Grafik

    31.147.881 Follower:innen

    May is Global Month of Volunteering (GMV) here at Amazon. During May, tens of thousands of Amazonians will come together to volunteer for causes they’re passionate about to positively impact the communities where our employees live and work. 👏 Last year, Amazon employees from 51 countries participated in GMV, supporting more than 1,200 organizations and volunteering in 4,500 events. This year, Amazonians are participating in a variety of volunteer initiatives – from home food delivery services and back-to-school donations to hygiene kit building, literacy tutoring, habitat restorations, and more. We employ more than 1.4 million people across dozens of countries, and we believe our employees’ passion, ideas, and volunteer efforts can make a positive impact on our communities. Amazonians, make sure you are signed up for a volunteer event! ✅ What causes are you passionate about? 🔽 🧡

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  • Unternehmensseite von Amazon anzeigen, Grafik

    31.147.881 Follower:innen

    Our CEO, Andy Jassy, sat down with LinkedIn’s CEO, Ryan Roslansky, to talk about his unique career journey and advice. Check it out. ⬇️

    Profil von Ryan Roslansky anzeigen, Grafik
    Ryan Roslansky Ryan Roslansky ist Influencer:in

    CEO at LinkedIn

    "An embarrassing amount of how well you do has to do with attitude." In the latest episode of The Path, Amazon CEO Andy Jassy shares how his positive mindset and love of learning propelled him through a series of different career attempts, up through the ranks of Amazon and into the CEO chair. Learn about Andy’s winding adventure to the C-suite below and never miss an episode of #ThePath by subscribing at

  • Unternehmensseite von Amazon anzeigen, Grafik

    31.147.881 Follower:innen

    Why do we call our Amazon Web Services (AWS) employees “builders”? Because they code? Not quite (plus, not all AWS employees code). It’s because builders like to invent and reinvent, they have their ear to the ground to listen to customers, and they’re motivated to continually improve and expand what’s possible. And that’s what our AWS employees do: innovate to provide world-leading cloud technologies that help more organizations and individuals build solutions to transform industries, communities, and lives for the better. Last month, our builders got together at our HQ1 campus in Seattle for an AWS global meeting, which included a CEO address by Adam Selipsky, an awards ceremony, and a fireside chat with the co-founders of AI animation startup, Krikey AI. Thank you to all of our builders out there! We’re so excited about what you’re up to! 💻 👏

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