7Mind GmbH

7Mind GmbH

Wellness und Fitness

Berlin, Berlin 7.838 Follower:innen

Gelassen in den Tag und erholt durch die Nacht mit 7Mind und 7Sleep


7Mind bringt Meditation und Achtsamkeit an den Arbeitsplatz und reduziert so nachweislich Stress, steigert die emotionale Intelligenz und sorgt für mehr Zufriedenheit - egal ob im Büro, zu Hause oder im Außendienst. 7Sleep sorgt hingegen dafür, die eigenen Schlafmuster kennenzulernen und Schlafprobleme ohne weiteren Druck nachhaltig abzubauen. Ausgeschlafen und mit weniger innerem Stress können Nutzende effizienter, produktiver und fokussierer arbeiten. Was ist Achtsamkeit? Achtsamkeit bedeutet, die volle Aufmerksamkeit bewusst auf den Moment zu richten, ohne diesen zu bewerten. Das beste Training hierfür ist die Meditation. Über 10.000 Studien belegen die vielfältigen positiven Auswirkungen der Meditation. Bei regelmäßigem Üben fördert Achtsamkeitstraining die Konzentration, mindert Stress und wirkt positiv auf u. a.: Gesundheit, Produktivität, Gelassenheit, Kreativität, Selbstwahrnehmung, Schlaf und den Umgang mit anderen. Achtsamkeit im Unternehmen: Eine regelmäßige Achtsamkeitspraxis und eine gesteigerte Schlafqualität können präventiv für die mentale Gesundheit von Mitarbeitenden fungieren. Die 7Mind und 7Sleep Audio-Inhalte mit mehr als 1,5 Mio. Nutzenden in Deutschland sind per App verfügbar. Unternehmen wie adesso, Stepstone und uniper unterstützen bereits die mentale Gesundheit ihrer Teams mit 7Mind. Über 7Mind: Ziel unserer Gründung 2014 an der Universität Witten/Herdecke war es, Angebote zu schaffen, mit denen die mentale Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden durch kurze Übungen effektiv gesteigert werden. Besonders wichtig ist uns die wissenschaftliche Fundiertheit. Alle Kurse werden von Psycholog:innen auf Basis neuster wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse erstellt.

Wellness und Fitness
51–200 Beschäftigte
Berlin, Berlin
Meditation, Achtsamkeit, Gesundheit, Mindfulness, Digital Health, Stress Management, Corporate Mindfulness, Stressbewältigung, Achtsamkeit am Arbeitsplatz, Corporate Wellbeing und Corporate Wellness


Beschäftigte von 7Mind GmbH


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    Have you ever heard of Officevibe? For many years now, 7Mind has been a hybrid company with international employees and diverse teams, with various levels of leadership experience. Since we’ve grown quite a bit within the last years, we decided to implement the people development platform Officevibe by Workleap How are we as a company benefiting from this? ✍️ Employee Surveys ✍️ Measuring real-time data in every team across metrics like feedback quality & quantity, team dynamics, alignment with company values, … This helps us to gain a better understanding of potential support we can provide. 💬 People Development 💬 Officevibes helps us to handle regular 1:1s, development plans for employees and goal tracking for company goals but also personal ones. With this, we are creating more alignment between teams and a better overview of process continuity. Not only did we make team development measurable, we also included it in our company goals and are working towards high scores in all key metrics all year-round. 💌 Good Vibes 💌 The best feature however are Good Vibes: a small digital card we can send out to a colleague from any team just to brighten up their day! They can be about excellent leadership, positivity, being a team player, or showing up. In this case, a team member let Alex Wolf 🐺 know, how much their communication style is appreciated. Who wouldn’t want that sort of kind appreciation in their lives?

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  • Unternehmensseite von 7Mind GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    The European Parliament Elections are on June 9th this year - so please use your voice and go vote! At 7Mind, the topics of mental health (of course!), sustainability, diversity and inclusion are particularly important to us. And yes, mindfulness might teach us that it can be helpful to accept things as they are. But that doesn't mean remaining indifferent to the world around us! All of us are responsible for creating a better society, and voting is part of this. Your vote matters! P.S.: If you're still unsure which party and which candidate is right for you, you can use Wahlomat.de to get an idea! → http://wahlomat.de/ ♿ Also, if you require assistance to vote, check out this page with useful information. https://lnkd.in/efM49PsK #europeanelections #useyourvote #democracy

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  • Unternehmensseite von 7Mind GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Are you incorporating mindfulness practices in your daily routine already? Here’s just some of the ways mindfulness can improve your day to day life: Scientists have been able to demonstrate improvements in selective and executive attention, especially among beginners. (1) There is reason to believe that regular mindfulness meditation for at least 14 days can reduce the phenomenon of “mind wandering”. (2) Science has generally shown that practising mindfulness and meditation has an effect on reducing stress (this can be achieved in particular through meditation apps) (3) So if you haven’t started your own mindfulness journey yet, there you go - 3 more reasons to give this a try 🤝 --- 1) https://lnkd.in/dcdAi7pG 2) https://lnkd.in/ddqvt2aF 3) https://lnkd.in/d7y6ERwY & https://lnkd.in/dPyyWC7q & https://lnkd.in/dtkBxaqP & https://lnkd.in/dmKhJPgD

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  • Unternehmensseite von 7Mind GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Did you ever wonder, what an Impact Manager’s tasks actually are? Meet Malte, 7Mind’s Impact Manager - we asked him about this: “My mission is to ensure we are constantly evaluating and improving how our company interacts with the world: Does our content have the positive value we intend? Is our offer inclusive? Do we act responsibly towards our users, society, the planet?” At 7Mind, we know that this is a task that is never really done, and we are very happy to have Malte on board, who is truly enthusiastic about this challenge and the opportunity to constantly improve things. #impact #sustainability #mindfulness

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    Can meditation and mindfulness be harmful? Let’s be honest: when thinking of mindfulness, a lot of people will come up with an image of someone sitting crossed legged, smiling serenely, very calm and at peace with one’s self. At 7Mind, we know that meditation and mindfulness is way more than that, and bringing science-based content to our users is something we are constantly working on. Only a couple of days back, a documentary about people facing negative psychological effects after practicing mindfulness and meditation has been published on a public German TV channel. Adverse effects of meditation / mindfulness and its limitations is something we do take very seriously. Meditation and other mindful exercises can be a valuable tool to deal with some of the challenges life throws at us - but it can never be a substitution for talking to a mental health professional. If you are interested in this and want to find out more, we (including where you can find help if needed) 📖 https://lnkd.in/dBiEz8ZS

    Ist Meditation gefährlich?

    Ist Meditation gefährlich?


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    Together with Weltwach we created two truly unique content pieces for the 7Mind App, taking listeners on a journey to a wonderful town in Portugal & the jungle of Costa Rica. 🎧 We even had Erik Lorenz from Weltwach on as a guest on our 7Mind Podcast, where he talks to René Träder about all things sustainable and mindful traveling. You can listen to it here: https://lnkd.in/eEa_rJxx And last but not least: congratulations to Weltwach & Erik Lorenz on the launch of their new project "Weltwach Klangreise"!

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    Entspannte Kooperation: 7Mind und die „Weltwach Klangreise“   Wir freuen uns im Rahmen des Launches unseres neuen Podcasts „Weltwach Klangreise“ mit einer der größten (und unseres Erachtens besten) deutschen Meditationsapps zusammenzuarbeiten: 7Mind!   Die Zusammenarbeit umfasst u.a. die Produktion von zwei exklusiven, geführten Meditationsreisen für die App durch das Team hinter der „Weltwach Klangreise“, basierend auf Originalaufnahmen aus Costa Rica und Portugal. Darüber hinaus ist Erik Lorenz zu Gast in der aktuellen Folge des Podcasts von 7Mind und spricht über achtsames Reisen. Schließlich werden gemeinsame Inhalte für die sozialen Medien erstellt.   Wir danken dem Team von 7Mind GmbH für die gelungene und nicht zuletzt wahnsinnig nette Kooperation! Claudine Dahm René Träder Patrick Jablonski Tanis Theisejans Julia Hofmann Eva Siem Miriam Menz Janna Olson

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    “One day of public awareness for women’s equality is fine but every day should be Women’s Day and every day, women should be treated equally.” - one of the 60.4% of women* working at 7Mind. It’s true that one day per year does not change the fact that women* are still treated structurally unequally. As a company we therefore have the responsibility to create structural conditions that promote equal rights and equal treatment of women* at every step from the hiring process to the last working day. We can act on this at a higher level, e.g. through fair, transparent salaries, or in recurring everyday situations in which we work to challenge our stereotypes and prejudices. Our inclusive language policy, an onboarding process that raises awareness of biases and gender (in)equality as well as regular feedback on the further development of the teams help us to promote gender equality. In order to support gender equality outside our 7Mind workplace, we additionally partner with Tech4Girls* who do an amazing job at bringing valuable IT skills to young girls* 🤍 Happy International Women’s Day from the whole 7Mind Team #internationalwomensday #weltfrauentag #genderequality

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    It’s that time of the year: Our 7Mind Impact Report ’23 is here! 🎉 And what a year it was! The launch of our new app 7Sleep was definitely one of the highlights! It’s specifically designed to help people sleep better. It is 7Mind’s ambition is to continuously monitor and manage our impact across all the business with the aim to reduce harm and increase our positive impact - for our users, communities, society, the planet. Our latest Impact Report is a status update on our progress. 📖 You can find the full report via the link in the comments! We are curious to read your feedback about how we are doing! Write us at [email protected] or comment here. #sustainability #nachhaltigkeit #impact #supportingmentalhealth #mentalegesundheit

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  • Unternehmensseite von 7Mind GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    In the past few weeks, many people in Germany have taken to the streets to protest against right-wing extremism. We at 7Mind support this. For us, tolerance and accepting other opinions and ideas are part of a mindful coexistence, which we want to promote through our content at 7Mind. But we also make it clear: discrimination against other people is a no-go in our society. For us, tolerance ends where it encounters pure intolerance. Still, we hope and wish for peace in body and mind for everyone - even for those with whom we disagree. On this note: 7Mind supports Give Something Back to Berlin e.V., a wonderful NGO from Berlin that demonstrates every day that diverse communities can thrive in our country - with benefits for everyone! #mindfulliving

  • Unternehmensseite von 7Mind GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    💡 3 tips every team lead should know In our latest podcast episode, we had a huge announcement: Dr. Eva Elisa Schneider joins the 7Mind team as a podcast host! 🎉 She’s a psychotherapist and an expert in #mentalhealth at work. We had Eva on our show as a guest (👉🏽 find the episode link in the comments, Podcast is in German) where she shared 3 key learnings from her experience as a team lead. If you're interested in more of her impulses such as common limiting beliefs in teams or what everyone can do to promote mental health at work, check out our latest podcast episode (in German, see comments below). Which key learnings would you add?

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