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themes, pages, and the like by anna
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hi! i've been using your theme "dear lover" for a while and i noticed the theme icons aren't appearing anymore (bulleted list icons, like / reblog / tags icons, etc) and wondered if you know why that might be or how i could fix it? it's not browser-related and i don't think it's because of the merge into cappuccicons because that post says it should still work, but i'm not certain. thank you sm!

annasthms replied

hello! thank you for using my theme! in the html, change

<link href=“//” rel=“stylesheet”>


<link href=“//” rel=“stylesheet”>

you might have to retype the quotes. hopefully this helps!

Anonymous asked

hi! i saw the anon asking about the callback function for infinite scroll (not the same anon! lol) but do you know if tippy.js needs one too? i'm using silbrigthemes' tutorial and i tried it out with infinite scroll but it only works on the first page 😭

annasthms replied

hello! you would need to call tippy again in the infinite scroll function’s callback. if you’d like more help, feel free to dm me here or on discord!

Anonymous asked

hello! do you by any chance know how i should do a callback function for infinite scroll (david desandro)? i added it in and it works fine but a few of the other scripts that i added don't work now and i figured i need a callback function, but i have no idea how to do it OTL

annasthms replied

hello! it depends on what you want to do! could you send me what code you’re working on? you can either send it through the tumblr dm’s or message me on discord.

Anonymous asked

hello! not sure if you’re still doing this but 18, 19 & 20? :]

annasthms replied

18) has anyone ever stole code from you? 

not that i know of!

19) what are you currently working on?

a widget! it’s quite javascript heavy and i’m having quite a lot of fun making it.

20) where do you get your inspiration from?

i don’t really have a central place for inspiration! sometimes i’ll browse codepen, but usually i’ll get an idea of some detail i want to implement (e.g. the cursor of coral) and base my code around it.

here is the ask game where these are from!

Anonymous asked

5, 6 and 16! for the ask game!

annasthms replied

5) who is/are your favorite theme makers?

my long time favorite theme makers (from before i really connected with other creators) are, in no particular order: @magnusthemes, @yeoli-thm, @yukoki, @shudesigns, @pohroro, @neothm, @shythemes, @sorrism, @fukuo, @felinum

but in all honesty, i love the friends that i’ve made within the community and everyone i’ve interacted with! it’s hard to pick a favorite since everyone has unique styles and new ideas.

6) what are your favorite works from other people?

i’ve answered this here!

16) what do you enjoy coding the most?

i’ve answered this here!

here is the ask game where these are from!

Anonymous asked

ooh hb 6 & 13!

annasthms replied

6) what are your favorite works from other people?

i have always been and will probably always continue to be in love with everything @magnusthemes makes. that being said, i love everything i’ve reblogged to this blog ! they’re all my fave (i’ve been really bad about reblogging things lately, oops. blame uni for that.)

13) any advice for beginners?

personaly, i agree with what bev said here. however…

practice! make any and all ideas that you have. don’t be afraid to make mistakes, and ask for help when you need it! talk to other creators! one of the things that helped me start sharing my work was the support of friends and other theme makers. 

when writing code, make sure to do so neatly and organize it in a way that is easy (for you and everyone else) to follow and debug (i.e. format it with proper indentation, be consistent with your capitalizations, add comments, etc.). if you don’t know how to do something, check google. take cs classes if you have the chance, especially if you want to work with javascript (and it doesn’t necessarily have to be a class in javascript. a lot of my scripting knowledge came from classes i’ve taken and none of them have been in javascript thus far).

i have also answered some asks about this under my #coding-help tag.

( @codingcabin is a great place to explore and make friends, if you want to start and connect with others! my ask box is also always open if you need help, though i can not guarantee a speedy reply.)

here is the ask game where these are from!

Anonymous asked

not sure if you answered these yet but how about #s 10 & 11? (:

annasthms replied

10) have you ever deleted old works?

i have not! i am a sentimental fool and like having my old works to look back upon.

11) what’s the most difficult work you’ve done?

that i’ve shared: coral

that i’ve not shared: this theme for annasthms or my previous theme for annasthms; also a tiny script for npf posts that i’ve been working on

(…and all of my computer science homework ahahahaaaa)

here is the ask game where these are from!

Anonymous asked

for the ask meme, hb 16 & 17! :>

annasthms replied

16) what do you enjoy coding the most?

i enjoy doing all the js for my themes/etc. and writing miscellaneous js scripts the most!

17) do you use your own base code, someone else’s, or none at all?

for the most part, i don’t use a base code. however, i will reference my old themes for things like custom like buttons, masonry/infinite scroll, etc.

here is the ask game where these are from!

Anonymous asked

Hi! I love what you do so much! I really love your welcome message with the name input. How did you make it? Is there a code for it you're willing to share? I've been looking for something similar for a while now. I would like to use it in my animal rescue blog, it would be a kind way to welcome my contributors!

annasthms replied

Hello!! As of now, I’m not sure what the best way to share it is, but I’ll try to put together something soon!