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photosets.css, by @annasthms and @espoirthemes
to everyone who balks at having to use javascript and pxu to style photosets, we hear you
“photosets.css is a CSS stylesheet (compiled by JavaScript, ironically) that lays out all photoset layouts using...

photosets.css, by @annasthms and @espoirthemes
to everyone who balks at having to use javascript and pxu to style photosets, we hear you

photosets.css is a CSS stylesheet (compiled by JavaScript, ironically) that lays out all photoset layouts using solely CSS and a nifty photosets variable, {PhotosetLayout}. The photosets’ pictures are arranged using the CSS grid layout, though a fallback using inline blocks has been provided, in case anyone is using a browser that doesn’t support CSS grid.

Demo | Learn more + Install

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