welcome to
themes, pages, and the like by anna
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Please read through my terms of use first!
I will not answer any ask that violates my terms of use. Additionally, I may ask you to stop using my theme if you do not follow my terms of use.
Before requesting help, please...
look over the code's tag
code tags:
look over the code's more info page
more info pages:
look over the question/answers on this page
When requesting help, please...
mention your blog and what theme/page/script you're using
only ask about my codes
if possible, include a link to a page/blog that exemplifies/shows what you're asking about

be patient!

I'm quickest to answer between 6:00pm and 10:00pm. (It is currently .)

Coding Help
Where can I find your unnested base code?

How do you _____?

I am trying to _____ but it's not working, help!

Anything regarding how to do something using JavaScript or debugging your JavaScript

I am happy to explain something or help you debug your code, given that I have time to do so. However, please include either a link to the problem (e.g. the url of the blog that you are working on) or an incredibly detailed description of what you'd like for me to explain, and please ask off anon.
Can you make a tutorial about _____?
Maybe. If I have time and think that I can do it well enough.
Personal Questions
Misc. Questions
Anything related to the tumblr mobile app, tumblr search, or native tumblr code (e.g. lightboxes)
I have no control over how tumblr functions nor any idea as to how it functions, so more likely than not, I can not do anything about what you're asking.
The Ask Box

I live for bad jokes so... if you'd like to send one...