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themes, pages, and the like by anna
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Quick Reminder…

  • The COVID-19 virus has not changed
  • Your immune system has not changed
  • There is no vaccine
  • There is no cure

What’s Different?

  • Fewer government-directed restrictions

That’s literally it: fewer lockdowns, closures, and stay-at-home orders, often due to political pressure.

But COVID-19 is still here. It’s still contagious. People are still getting it. People are still dying from it. Just because it’s not as prominent in the news does not mean that this 2020 story arc has concluded!


  • Wash your hands
  • Continue social distancing
  • Wear a face mask
  • Protect high-risk and vulnerable people
  • Self-isolate if sick, quarantine if exposed
  • Help flatten the curve and contain the outbreaks 

Source: I am an actual contact tracer and I just got home from a very long shift where we are having to reach out to more and more and more people as they are exposed to people with positive COVID-19 tests.

Please stay safe.

Anonymous asked

sorry if this has been asked before but i found your base code with unnested captions & am working with a separate base code that does not have them. would you be alright if integrated your unnested captions code with the base code i'm working with? i would credit ofc.

annasthms replied

sorry for the late response. that’s totally fine!

iii | retro arcade by undeadmagikarp

preview - code

  • Do blogroll pages still exist? Anyways, this is a retro-themed blogroll page with a built-in space shooter game
  • Yeah I did it I put a mini space shooter game in a Tumblr page
  • To enable blogroll pages, make sure to turn on Following > Share the Tumblrs you’re following in your blog settings
  • 1 custom link

NOTES: Clearly, I got really extra with this. Code for space shooter game was ripped off of Andrew Rubin. As always, please reblog or like if you are using, and general theme rules apply. Thank you!

“Theme - Whispershot; [preview] [code] [magnusthemes] [buy me a coffee?]
Colorblock accordion theme inspired by Kain from MapleStory! A fun and interactive sidebar meshes with vibrant accent colors and subtle underglow tones to make the...

Theme -  Whispershot; [preview] [code] [magnusthemes] [buy me a coffee?]

Colorblock accordion theme inspired by Kain from MapleStory! A fun and interactive sidebar meshes with vibrant accent colors and subtle underglow tones to make the blog stand out.


  • Theme is responsive!
  • Best demonstrated in preview: Fun, interactive accordion sidebar with panels for: description, menu, search
  • Battery meter and health bar (custom percentage)
  • Search panel has room for 3 featured tags with previews, enter your tag of choice in the text boxes
  • Like/reblog buttons
  • Custom post size from 250px to 540px
  • Option to hide captions and tags on index page
  • Optional infinite scroll and manual load
  • Optional fading and/or monochrome images
  • Optional sidebar image, 350px height (cropped automatically)
  • QoL features: smart chat posts, native HTML5 audio posts, optional lazy load images


  • Sidebar based on a tutorial from Codrops
  • To insert links, simply create a page and check “show a link to this page”.
  • Please turn off the default mobile theme in Advanced Options if you want to use the mobile version!
  • Full list of credits: here

Please like and/or reblog this post if you use or plan or using this theme, and consider buying a coffee to support me! Thank you c:

“xuethms’ official launch!“Launched on šŸŒø 4 June 2021
Welcome to yukoki’s new theme blog, xuethms. Yes, it’s me Yuko Xue (she/they)! I’m finally back to creating Tumblr themes and pages after a long junior-college-&-university hiatus. I...

xuethms’ official launch!

Launched on 🌸 4 June 2021

Welcome to yukoki’s new theme blog, xuethms. Yes, it’s me Yuko Xue (she/they)! I’m finally back to creating Tumblr themes and pages after a long junior-college-&-university hiatus. I can’t guarantee I’ll be as active as before in my “prime” (I haven’t graduated yet!), but I am working on new releases.

I’m rebranding because I wanted to start afresh after taking such a long break, and a lot of my old codes have been broken by the Tumblr updates since then. I’ve been meaning to rebuild for more than a year now, but school and life kept getting in the way. Now with a clean slate and having completed most of my graduation requirements, I feel ready to start creating again.

Nine years ago on 4 June 2012, I launched mogimochi as a hobby sideblog. A few months later, I rebranded as yukoki to transition to a new account, as my themes gained traction. I’ve received immense support in my almost-decade of theme-making, and have made many friends in the community. It all started as a simple hobby, but it’s grown to become such an important part of my identity. I’m excited to be back and I hope you will all continue to support me as I start a new chapter of my theme-making career. 

— Thank you!

◍ hydrogen theme.

Links: preview | install | features | theme one by xuethms

Hydrogen takes full advantage of rounded edges, grid patterns, windowed contents, and an accent colour that permeates every element, to create a simple but elegant theme. By simply changing the accent colour, you can drastically change the vibe and aesthetic of your entire blog.

Credits: photosets.css by annasthms & eggdesign | preview sidebar image by @igusaharu

hi! i've been using your theme "dear lover" for a while and i noticed the theme icons aren't appearing anymore (bulleted list icons, like / reblog / tags icons, etc) and wondered if you know why that might be or how i could fix it? it's not browser-related and i don't think it's because of the merge into cappuccicons because that post says it should still work, but i'm not certain. thank you sm!

annasthms replied

hello! thank you for using my theme! in the html, change

<link href=“//” rel=“stylesheet”>


<link href=“//” rel=“stylesheet”>

you might have to retype the quotes. hopefully this helps!

Cappuccicons Icon Font


What is Cappuccicons?

Cappuccicons is a merge of my previous two fonts, Honeybee and SaturnIcons. It came to replace these fonts with new and upgraded icons, and it has most icons from both fonts (except repeated ones, of course).

Using Honeybee or Saturnicons? Both fonts will remain working, though the icons lists will be gone. You can use Cappuccicons’ list for reference, as most icon names have remained the same.

Download and Install

All instructions are available on the page.

Available for graphic design!

You can now download all 1078 icons in PNG and SVG formats.

Download links are available on the page.

Font information

Release date: March 30, 2021
Icon count: 1078
Designed on: Adobe Illustrator
Hosted on: GitHub
Available as: Web icon font, PNG, SVG

I want to know what most people expect when looking for and installing themes, so I’m going to ask a few questions! 

You can view the theme customization poll here

Since this is a poll, you can see the results after you submit. I’ll use this to help pick what options to include in themes in the future!

the responses can be found [here] for anyone interested

dashboard style theme

live preview + code 

anyone want a theme??? the code is a little messy but it should work (lmk if something doesnt!!!)

i haven’t released a tumblr theme since like 2016 and my prime was in 2014 so BE NICE lol

it will probably look off in the customizing screen, but once u go to you blog it should look ok

  • responsible, works for small screens!
  • 2 main custom links, 8 total custom links
  • options for: background, colors, font, icons, post and sidebar width, favicon, cursor, and more


“Theme 41
“static preview | code ( pastebin, github )
• responsive
• 400px, 500px, 540px post sizes
• custom fonts and font sizes (compatible with google fonts)
• auto link pages with 3 additional custom links
• like / reblog...

Theme 41

static preview | code ( pastebin, github )


  • responsive
  • 400px, 500px, 540px post sizes
  • custom fonts and font sizes (compatible with google fonts)
  • auto link pages with 3 additional custom links
  • like / reblog buttons
  • supports new post types
  • dashboard style captions
  • optional show captions / tags
  • optional monochrome posts
  • optional spinnable menu wheel
  • search bar
  • sidebar image ( width: 150px )

Check out @kconet for more quality kpop themes!