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This election, make your vote count

If you’re eligible to vote, this country needs you! Here’s a handy-dandy voter registration checklist for you to follow.

  1. Voter registration check. Maybe you moved since the last election. Maybe you’re not sure if you registered at all. Hey, it happens. Register to vote or check your status. It only takes two minutes or so.
  2. Request your absentee ballot. If you plan to vote by mail—which is perfectly safe despite what some say—check out the deadlines and request your absentee ballot ASAP.
  3. Find your polling place. It’s highly encouraged to vote in person if it’s safe for you to do so. Don’t forget to look up your designated polling location and check if you can vote early if you’re eager to avoid lines.
  4. Do you need your ID? The answer: Maybe! Check here. Each state is different.
  5. Get familiar with your ballot. You’re voting for more than just the President. Your ballot will have the option to vote for local races and have ballot measures that directly affect your community. Make sure you’re not caught off-guard.
  6. VOTE! Ta-da! You participated in democracy. Thank you.

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