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🏳️‍🌈 Apply now to get $10,000 for your school! 🏳️‍⚧️

Over the past 2 years, we've granted over $1 million to students across the U.S. through our 50 States, 50 Grants, 5,000 voices initiative to help make their schools more welcoming for LGBTQ+ students.

And yup - we're doing it again.

Do you have an idea that would help make your school better for LGBTQ+ students? Maybe like building...

🟣 A gender-affirming closet

🟣 Your school's first Pride parade

🟣 An LGBTQ+ mural on campus

🟣 A safe space or community garden, or

🟣 Resources for your GSA club?

See some past projects from other students here for inspo.

We know that students know what they need most at their own schools - so middle and high school students across the U.S., DC, and territories can apply now through April 1 for one of our school grants to win up to $10,000 to actually make your project a reality!

The application, FAQs, and more are all available at 50states50grants.org.

Apply now through April 1 - can't wait to see what you all come up with.


We are so proud to be supporting @itgetsbetterproject's 50 States 50 Grants initiative this year—an initiative that seeks to uplift and empower LGBTQIA+ youth in high schools and middle schools in the US, Washington DC, and US territories. If that's you, you can apply now!

Join the 50 States 50 Grants newsletter for info on webinars they're running to help with the application process!

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