Carpathian Day Online Consultation Meeting

3 June 2024, online meeting

The Secretariat, in close collaboration with Romanian partners in nature protection and education, encourage Carpathian actors to organize their own activities on a dedicated day, “Carpathian Day,” to promote the region’s natural and cultural heritage together.

Efforts have been underway to strengthen collaborative ESD activities and awareness of the Carpathian Convention. One concrete initiative for these efforts is establishing a Carpathian Day on or around September 26 to promote the region’s protection and sustainable development. This idea was positively received at the 7th Conference of the Parties to the Carpathian Convention (COP7/1 paragraph 14) as a tool for collective action and advancing the objectives of the Convention.

In light of this, we invited all stakeholders interested in organizing, promoting and/or hosting a local Carpathian Day 2024 event to participate in an online consultation meeting on 3 June 2024, 14:00-15:30 CEST.

The consultation meeting served as a platform to discuss and refine the framework for Carpathian Day 2024. We aimed to leverage existing initiatives, so the meeting was co-led by Romanian experts experienced in hosting their own Carpathian Day celebrations, as has been done in Romanian communities for several years.

      Meeting Documents

      Meeting Agenda

      Meeting Presentation Slides

      Meeting Follow-up Survey (all are welcome to fill out this very short survey, regardless of whether they attended the meeting)

      Carpathian Day Concept Note

      Categories: EventsOther