AKK - Alpine Carpathian Corridor

Duration: 01.12.2008 – 01.06.2012

Lead Partner: Regional Government of Lower Austria

Funding: EU Slovak-Austrian Cross-border Cooperation Programme

Project description

The aim of the Alpine-Carpathian Corridor project is to safeguard the ecological connectivity between the Alps and the Carpathians, within the Centrope region. The project shall strengthen conservation management for the protected areas along the Alpine Carpathian Corridor and neighbouring habitats. The project also wants to trigger a sustainable development which considers the requirements of both man and wildlife.

Partnership: AUSTRIA – UNEP Vienna – ISCC, Asfinag, University of Applied Sciences BOKU, Nationalpark Donau-Auen, WWF Austria, Weinviertel Management; SLOVAK REPUBLIC – NDS a.s., Slovenská technická univerzita, Štátna ochrana prírody SR – Správa CHKO Záhorie; CZECH REPUBLIC – DAPHNE Institute of Applied Ecology.

Vienna Programme Office
Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention

UN Environmnent
Vienna International Centre
PO Box 500
A – 1400 Vienna

Tel: +43 1 260 60 83038
Mail: [email protected] 

© Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention