Photo credits

Niedzica Castle in Poland by Dariusz Staniszewski

Sustainable Tourism

Tourism is one of the world’s largest industries and one of its fastest growing economic sectors. It has a multitude of impacts, both positive and negative, on people’s lives and on the environment. Within the Carpathian region numerous places offer well-equipped and easily accessible recreational and seasonal sports facilities. Additionally, the Carpathians are also rich in medicinal mineral water sources and spas. Tourism is one of the most dynamically developing branches of the economy in the Carpathians that could be developed further in a more sustainable way. Moreover, this area benefits from a great potential of traditional professions, local SMEs and sustainable industries, relevant for a diversified mountain economy and its endogenous development. 

Article 9 of the Carpathian Convention asks Parties to further investigate on sustainable tourism, which must be ecologically bearable in the long term, economically viable, as well as ethically and socially equitable for the local communities.  

Carpathian Sustainable Tourism Platform

The Carpathian Sustainable Tourism Platform (CSTP) shall be considered as a cooperation framework of interested Parties representant by officially designated national entities (CSTP Centres) that are created to assist the seven Carpathian Parties, WG Tourism and its stakeholders in implementing the Protocol on Sustainable Tourism, and its Strategy for the Sustainable Tourism Development of the Carpathians. 

CSTP and its Centres will conduct its business in close cooperation with the WG Tourism Chair and the Secretariat.  

Currently CSTP is coordinated by the CSTP Centre Poland, operated by the Association of the Carpathian Euroregion Poland with support of the Ministry of Economic Development Labour and Technology of Poland.  

Related Working Groups and Initiatives 

Vienna Programme Office
Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention

UN Environmnent
Vienna International Centre
PO Box 500
A – 1400 Vienna

Tel: +43 1 260 60 83038
Mail: [email protected] 

© Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention