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Djerdap Gorge in Serbia by Stefan Rankovic


All activities of the Carpathian Convention aim to foster cooperation and multi-sectoral coordination for sustainable development in the Carpathians. In order to realize the Convention and its objectives, the Convention’s bodies develop different activities for each thematic area of cooperation. Where synergies are possible and reasonable, the Convention cooperates with other organizations and initiatives in order to guarantee a comprehensive approach that is able to reach the people in the region. 

Activities range from developing new Protocols to establishing strategic partnerships with key regional actors for implementing projects within the Carpathians and beyond. For some topics, specific Working Groups have been established by the Conference of the Parties (COP). 

The following topics are addressed on a transnational and multi-sectoral level within the Carpathian Convention: 

Spatial Development

Sustainable & Integrated Water/River Basin Management

Sustainable Agriculture & Rural Development

Sustainable Forest Management

Sustainable Tourism

Cultural Heritage & Traditional Knowledge

Sustainable Industry, Energy, Transport & Infrastructure

Environmental Assessment/Information System, Monitoring & Early Warning

Awareness Raising, Education & Public Participation

Climate Change

Vienna Programme Office
Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention

UN Environmnent
Vienna International Centre
PO Box 500
A – 1400 Vienna

Tel: +43 1 260 60 83038
Mail: [email protected] 

© Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention