
Zevie Lurks


They lurk


  • Too many beds
  • Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss
  • Really nice guy who hates only you
  • Academic rivals except it’s two teachers who compete to have the best class
  • Divorce of convenience
  • Too much communication
  • True hate’s kiss (only kissing your enemy can break a curse)
  • Dating your enemy’s sibling
  • Lovers to enemies
  • Hate at first sight
  • Love triangle where the two love interests get together instead
  • Fake amnesia
  • Soulmates who are fated to kill each other
  • Strangers to enemies
  • Instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating
  • Too hot to cuddle
  • Love interest CEO is a himbo/bimbo who runs their company into the ground
  • Nursing home au

These are all so good!!!


Scenario: you are with a stranger. They are attractive, pleasant, and receptive to any kinks or sexual preferences you have. They do not know who you are, and you will never meet them again. They will tell no one and there's no risk of anyone finding out. Pregnancy and STDs are not a risk.

We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.


I grew up in a town in the Midwest with an actual, honest-to-god crime problem and it really affected the way I view news coverage of crime and violence.

Like everyone in Portland loses their minds over stabbings downtown and such but nobody really understands what it’s like to live in a violent place.

Because, mostly, it’s fucking boring. Oh, the house behind us got shot up. Oh, little Susie brought in the buckshot the vet took out of her dog. It was just something that happened.

And the other thing is like, nobody I ever knew got randomly attacked. That’s not to say that nobody got hurt. But the people that hurt them were their family members. Susie’s dad threatened her with a pistol. Steve’s grandparents beat him. This was the violence I grew to fear. The violence of adults in charge of me.

You are always in more danger of being hurt by someone you know than by a stranger, regardless of what the news tells you.

P.S. also, cops. Cops are way more dangerous than “drug addicts.”


For a second I didn’t realize it meant “high” as in a stoner–I thought “High Geologist” was like a rank of geologist or something and he was insulted you would challenge him to naming stones

great poast every one👍


I have drawn him…. The High Geologist


Can’t believe he’s ace

He is now And here’s the photo evidence:


the high geologist has ascended

every time i see this post it gets…. better? but also weirder.


I always gotta reblog the High Geologist once in a while.

I love this too much.


starting an elite paramilitary black ops group who sneak into the homes of authors and cut one to three zeroes off any number of years given in a fantasy or sci-fi novel

"this important historical event in my fantasy world happend 10,000 years ago" like fuck it did you lying asshole. you know what 10,000 years ago looks like to Us? the fuckin start of the neolithic period! hjow many important historical events from then are we all still worried about dipshit?


see no hate to you tumblr user s-ock-s but this is like a perfect example of the phenomenon i'm being sarky about which is that people really badly underestimate how long big lenghts of time are in terms of human history:

ea nasir was only 3,800 years ago. which is still a fucklong time but it is small peanuts compared to 10,000 years ago! something that happened 10,000 years ago is nearly three times past from ea-nasir than ea-nasir is from us. 10,000 years is a very, very very long time (on the timescale of human history--for a rock, it's nothing. but i'm not comlaining about geological worldbuilding here)

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