
Zevie Lurks


They lurk

Stop ignoring your bodily signals that’s somethings not right. You get a bad stomach and need to run to the bathroom after the morning smoothie? It doesn’t agree with you. You get terrible anxiety and feel you need to perform on dates with the pretentious guy? He’s not your person. You feel shaky after the iced latte? It’s not for you sweetie. Your body is constantly sending signals, letting you know what feels good, and what doesn’t. Foods that don’t agree with you, people that cause you panic. Take inventory on what's causing dis-harmony in your life, and start editing ruthlessly. This is an act of self love. No more ignoring signs from your inner guidance system. Start heeding the call from your body. It’s speaking to you always. 


In The Far Future, there's a ringworld that is just a series of repeated South Americas. It's just a whole artificial ring that rotates, and there's just one South America after another. Like this:

but it's all just South Americas:

follow me for more compelling, hard hitting science fiction.


Is travel between the South Americas easy/commonplace? Mostly asking bc I'm intrigued by the idea of "faking my death and moving to a different country" without having to actually give up on living in Brazil. Best of both worlds. Or, all worlds.

Yes, there are super fast transportation systems in the edge of the ring, but I imagine there are lots of different South Americas for all kinds of tastes, one is just a giant Brazil, the other is a prehistoric South America with all sorts of dinosaurs, another with a big Inca empire, cyberpunk South America, steampunk South America, biopunk South America, consult your local ring administrator to see what South America fits your lifestyle

Do we have some sort of mundial but for all of the South Americas? How good are the South American's dinosaur's best continentals teams? And most importantly, do they have dinosaur Messi and if yes, can I get an autograph?

THIS is the kind of worldbuilding I live for, I'll answer it these days


When I was 20 and got married, older women loved to try to scare me with stories of what it's like to live with a man.

My marriage is wonderful 20 years later.

Through my 20s into my 30s, older women loved to try to predict when my baby fever would kick in and they'd tell me horror stories of motherhood.

We chose not to have kids and baby fever never hit me.

Now, I'm in my 40s and older women love to tell me about how I'm going to suffer through menopause. They gleefully recount hot flashes, the weight gain, how I'll have to "work harder to be a woman".

I'm not even perimenopausal. I'm only 41. I know about menopause. It's not a secret.

Can women just let women age? This isn't support. This is aggression in pink.


So I see you all are exhausted by streaming services effectively recreating cable. I see you’re all tired of ads. Pirating is a great alternative, but I have another fantastic option for you all!

I live in Seattle. And in Seattle we have America’s largest physical media store, Scarecrow Video. They are a non-profit that has pretty much any film or tv show you can imagine. Like, everything. So much so that one of our local cinemas does a program with them called “Unstreamable” where they show a film from Scarecrow’a archive that you can’t access anywhere online. It’s a bit overwhelming to go to their store, which is two levels of every program under the sun.

ANYWAY, I bring this up because they recently started a Rent-by-Mail program. It’s pretty similar to what Netflix used to do. You can rent up to six titles (barring their super rare stuff and pornos) and they will ship it to you, then you return it in the included pre-paid envelope.

Why does this rock? Sure, you still have to pay money, BUT you are supporting a non-profit that is dedicated to preserving media instead of some corporation looking for endless profit. They can also expand your palette with their vast selection. And if you have a favorite piece of media, you never have to worry about it disappearing! All their stuff is there in perpetuity.

So this is all to say, now that Scarecrow has expanded their reach beyond the Greater Seattle Area, I implore you to check them out. If you don’t want to rent right now, the could always use donations to keep them afloat.

You can check out their catalogue HERE!


It's really fucked up when you treat characters like people and people like characters.

No seriously it's REALLY fucked up when you treat characters as if they were real live people while you treat people like they're just characters.

I'm gonna go ahead and repeat: it is super, duper, extra scooper fucked up when you treat a character as if it were a living person while treating other human beings who are interacting with you like they are merely characters who can be written out of your personal story if you just find a remark mean enough.

You. You get it.

ETA wait why does this have 18k notes

Sometimes you gotta þrow a dumpster at your protags, but you always can choose to be kind to everyone you meet.


I feel bad firing literally nameless worker npcs in video games


Now I'm picturing a cut to the person's grandparent with them being like

[First image description: Tweet by Laura Lupin (@ bugsandfishes) reading: Whenever Antiques Roadshow is on the telly my favourite people are the ones who proudly say their grandmother worked as a maid in some big country house and was given this nice bit of [all caps] Very Easily Concealable [end all caps] silver as a token of appreciation by the lord and lady of the manor. /End ID]

[Second ID: A contestant on the TV show Game Changer with an edited caption reading, "I stole it, yeah." /End ID]


something i've noticed. people seem to think the most nature-y nature is forests. so forests are always prioritized for conservation, and planting trees is synonymous with ecological activism. my state was largely prairies and wetlands before colonization. those ecosystems are important too. trees aren't the end-all be-all of environmentalism. plant native grasses. protect your wetlands.


deserts also!!! it sucks so bad that people think of desert as 'wasteland' just because it's not suited for western european style ag development, they're beautiful and delicate and valuable ecosystems and, i think it's good to point out that humans have been living willingly in them for thousands of years

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