
johnlocked turtle


a fanturtle (re)blogging fandom things. especially johnlock. i like writing about them mostly (*cough* only)
i love many other fandoms. i'll do you a favor and not list all of them. but: good omens.
a very gay she/they in her 20s.

A note to all creatives:

Right now, you have to be a team player. You cannot complain about AI being used to fuck over your industry and then turn around and use it on somebody else’s industry.

No AI book covers. No making funny little videos using deepfakes to make an actor say stuff they never did. No AI translation of your book. No AI audiobooks. No AI generated moodboards or fancasts or any of that shit. No feeding someone else’s unfinished work into Chat GPT “because you just want to know how it ends*” (what the fuck is wrong with you?). No playing around with AI generated 3D assets you can’t ascertain the origin of. None of it. And stop using AI filters on your selfies or ESPECIALLY using AI on somebody else’s photo or artwork.

We are at a crossroad and at a time of historically shitty conditions for working artists across ALL creative fields, and we gotta stick together. And you know what? Not only is standing up for other artists against exploitation and theft the morally correct thing to do, it’s also the professionally smartest thing to do, too. Because the corporations will fuck you over too, and then they do it’s your peers that will hold you up. And we have a long memory.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking “your peers” are only the people in your own industry. Writers can’t succeed without artists, editors, translators, etc making their books a reality. Illustrators depend on writers and editors for work. Video creators co-exist with voice actors and animators and people who do 3D rendering etc. If you piss off everyone else but the ones who do the exact same job you do, congratulations! You’ve just sunk your career.

Always remember: the artists who succeed in this career path, the ones who get hired or are sought after for commissions or collaboration, they aren’t the super talented “fuck you I got mine” types. They’re the one who show up to do the work and are easy to get along with.

And they especially are not scabs.

*that’s not even how it ends that’s a statistically likely and creatively boring way for it to end. Why would you even want to read that.

"There was an exchange on Twitter a while back where someone said, ‘What is artificial intelligence?' And someone else said, 'A poor choice of words in 1954'," he says. "And, you know, they’re right. I think that if we had chosen a different phrase for it, back in the '50s, we might have avoided a lot of the confusion that we're having now." So if he had to invent a term, what would it be? His answer is instant: applied statistics. "It's genuinely amazing that...these sorts of things can be extracted from a statistical analysis of a large body of text," he says. But, in his view, that doesn't make the tools intelligent. Applied statistics is a far more precise descriptor, "but no one wants to use that term, because it's not as sexy".

'The machines we have now are not conscious', Lunch with the FT, Ted Chiang, by Madhumita Murgia, 3 June/4 June 2023


There seems to be a new prank going around on AO3, I reported these as spam but like

Don’t do this.

Sorry my fics have uh. WORDS? IN THEM?

I take art and writing seriously and view these as (false btw) accusations of plagiarism. I have never used AI to generate anything, nor will I ever. I’ve been writing fic for over a decade. If someone said this to my face there would be physical blows

I saw the above post

I opened the app

I had no new comments

I closed the app

I reopened the app

I had seven comments with impossible timestamps

Whatever this is, it's fake and mean and really bad at its job, some of these fics are years old

Good to know about a new crappy anonymous insult circulating. If we see one we can just REPORT (thanks @mydogwatson) and delete, delete, delete

this happened to me as well:

and i must say: this is truly hurtful and to be quite honest... low. it is - as said above - an accusation of plagiarism, which feels especially shitty, when YOUR WRITING - that you have put hours, days, weeks, months, to write, proofread and edit into - ACTUALLY has been plagiarized multiple times. (and you can't do anything about it) (please read and reblog this post regarding this problem)

i am not okay with it and whoever thinks it's "funny", or a "great way to advertise AI": kindly eff off.

to READERS ON AO3: support your writers, tell them when you spot such a comment (maybe through tumblr or another communication tool) and don't believe these accusations. it is content creators that are victims of plagiarism not AI.

and it happened again. sucks when you're just a tiny writer and are super excited that there is a comment on your story and then it's fucking spam 😔


There seems to be a new prank going around on AO3, I reported these as spam but like

Don’t do this.

Sorry my fics have uh. WORDS? IN THEM?

I take art and writing seriously and view these as (false btw) accusations of plagiarism. I have never used AI to generate anything, nor will I ever. I’ve been writing fic for over a decade. If someone said this to my face there would be physical blows

I saw the above post

I opened the app

I had no new comments

I closed the app

I reopened the app

I had seven comments with impossible timestamps

Whatever this is, it's fake and mean and really bad at its job, some of these fics are years old

Good to know about a new crappy anonymous insult circulating. If we see one we can just REPORT (thanks @mydogwatson) and delete, delete, delete

this happened to me as well:

and i must say: this is truly hurtful and to be quite honest... low. it is - as said above - an accusation of plagiarism, which feels especially shitty, when YOUR WRITING - that you have put hours, days, weeks, months, to write, proofread and edit into - ACTUALLY has been plagiarized multiple times. (and you can't do anything about it) (please read and reblog this post regarding this problem)

i am not okay with it and whoever thinks it's "funny", or a "great way to advertise AI": kindly eff off.

to READERS ON AO3: support your writers, tell them when you spot such a comment (maybe through tumblr or another communication tool) and don't believe these accusations. it is content creators that are victims of plagiarism not AI.


Snake played by AI

This is mesmerizing.

I have wanted to see thos happen my whole life


I feel at peace for the first time since the year 2000.


We may rest now. We are free.


Every time this is in my dashboard I have to watch the whole thing

Every time this

is in my dashboard I have

to watch the whole thing

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

this has no right being this satisfying 😭😭😭 and the haiku bot is killing me damnit

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