
Fantasy Costco

@thrandilf / thrandilf.tumblr.com

Elf storage. Dragon Prince, Lego Monkie Kid, LotR, Spider Riders, DunMeshi, ect. Nickname Elf or Mechromancer, any pronouns, 20s. My AO3 is strangefake Icon by @imminent-danger-came
It used to be easy to figure out who was the good guy and who was the bad guy. Now, Callum has his doubts. Aaravos visits him in his dreams, and the more he hears, the less he knows. Their conversations are far from the subtle whispers Aaravos apparently relied on, yet Aaravos almost seems to relish each one. What Callum thought was a one sided power dynamic turns into much more, including a bargain Callum can't refuse. After his release, Aaravos's plans involve more people than just Callum, and before Callum knows it, he's swept up with his least favorite people in the world: Viren and Claudia, alongside the rest of their little group, repressing his doubt that his worst enemies can change. Yet, as Callum learns new magic and unravels the truth of each of his companions, the world on high alert as every nation faces what Aaravos's return means. Perhaps Aaravos isn't the only one with surprises lurking inside.

Updated summary and info post for my ongoing fic, The Devil You Thought You Knew. At this time, it's at 113k words and projected to finish around 200k. Both Aaravos and Mage Fam make up the main cast in this fic, which is mostly from Callum's POV. There are shifts to other characters such as Rayla and Ezran.

There's also world building/expansion in later chapters in regards to humanity's relationship with magic and Aaravos, focused on Evenere in particular. Worldbuilding, relationships, and downtime to process the emotional rollercoaster are all given focus, but there's plenty of plot twists ahead yet!

Main Ships: Rayllum, Viravos, Clauderry.

Side/Later Ships: Sorvus, Janaya.

"Dark Mage. Primal Mage. Human mage. I'm not so sure these labels mean as much as you think they do."


And thus it was. A fourth age of middle-earth began. And the fellowship of the ring though eternally bound by friendship and love... was ended. Thirteen months to the day since Gandalf sent us on our long journey we found ourselves looking upon a familiar sight. We were home. How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on when in your heart you begin to understand there is no going back? There are some things that time cannot mend some hurts that go too deep that have taken hold. Bilbo once told me his part in this tale would end... that each of us must come and go in the telling. Bilbo's story was now over. There would be no more journeys for him... save one. My dear Sam. You cannot always be torn in two. You will have to be one and whole for many years. You have so much to enjoy and to be and to do. Your part in the story will go on.

the lord of the rings: the return of the king (2003) dir. peter jackson

I cannot overstate this enough, but with the threat of trump and project 2025, there is GENUINELY a chance that this year's pride month could be the last...

I want y'all to really think about that, think about it when you hear or think "I'm not voting" or "both sides are the same

When talking with a friend about yesterday, He asked me about project 2025

I said I didn't know what it is

Could you give me both your prespective and links to the original plan?

it’s the outline for the republican party’s long term strategy to maintain and grow their own power through undermining democracy and civil rights

they’ve got a whole website

edit: got the doc

And if you're drowning in pro–Project 2025 propaganda and/or spin, this is a solid breakdown of things: https://www.ahmedbaba.news/p/heritage-foundation-presidents-project


Characters will go through life changing events and people will watch sequels and next seasons and complain about them being ooc when it's like. Did you not expect the life changing event to change them or

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