
Y'all need Jesus

@too-cool-for-facebook / too-cool-for-facebook.tumblr.com

All that fun stuff that's too cool for Facebook but not quite artsy enough to put on deviantArt. Elliot Morgan put it best when he said, "Facebook has just become a big family reunion, except without all the good food." I ran away from MySpace because people I knew IRL were there. And now I've run away from FB for the same reason - mostly bc I'm tired of listening to my dumbass redneck relatives talk about shit they have no knowledge of. Also, INFJ. Writing it here bc I can never effing remember. New to my blog? Then you probably need to check out this post: http://too-cool-for-facebook.tumblr.com/post/109313455847/i-have-gotten-like-a-shit-ton-of-followers-over

and then romeo-kun and juliet-chan inevitably committed the seppuku

sugoi. what light through the window comes, desu? it is the east, and my waifu is the sun. 

did my kokoro doki till now? forswear it, sight! for i ne’er saw true kawaii till this night.


Shakespeare in the Movies

The following is a famous movie scene that I rewrote in Shakespearean fashion. If you can guess what it is, you get a gold star

Woman: "But O my dearest lover, be you still. Why is it that you move away from me?"

Man: "It is in my home village I must be. I am going back, for this is my will."

Woman: "Dearest, I beg with you, I plead with you. Take me with you and carry me away."

Man: "Never again shall I do as you say. 'Tis only peace I want, not pain and rue. For somewhere in these reaches of bleakness, surely there must be still both charm and grace. How long it has been since I've seen its face. Do you know the things of which I speak, miss?"

Woman: "Nay, I say unto you, nay O my sweet! For the only thing that I surely know is the tender love that for you I show!"

Man: "A misfortune for you it is indeed."

Woman: "Stay, O please stay my precious love'ed one. If you should leave now and wander away, in what place is it now that I shall stay? By the morrow, O what shall I have done?"

Man: "O dear lady, with you I must be frank. That which will happen to you I care not. And I, dear madam, am not your varlot. I leave you now, for this whole town is rank."


Has anybody else realized that Hamlet is the most famous work about First-World Problems?

Don't get me wrong - Hamlet is my favourite Shakespearean play. (So please don't come after me, Hiddles!)

But. Really Hammy. You need an attitude adjustment.

This guy is a mother-fucking prince. He lives in a freaking palace. And yet he's all like, "Aww! My life sucks...." I'm like, "Bitch please! I'd love to be living in a freaking palace!!! Suck it up!"

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