
Hi everyone! We're very proud and excited to start sharing BLANKSWORD to the world! Come aboard as we share snippets of BLANK's journey towards rebuilding his brain and fighting off the perils of His Country! We'll be sharing gameplay and posting regular updates on this Tumblr, but if you want all the freshest news from the Angelic Realm, please consider joining our newsletter! With love, The BLANKSWORD team.


Some of you might remember me making a vague reference or two to a writing project I had on the side?

THIS IS IT!!!!!!!

I’m officially a Video Game (non-lead) Writer everyone!!!!!!

Please spread around so we can build interest, we still have a LOT of work ahead of us but our team keeps blowing me away with their amazing work!


Today I was helping run the booth for the local queer non-profit at the farmer's market and a woman told me that she would like a flag, pointing to our little bucket of flags. So I picked up the bucket and I brought it over and asked her which one she'd like.

"Well, tell me about them!"

"Oh! Okay! This one is the inclusion flag- its for everyone, including allies."

"What's this one?"

"That's the bisexual flag: it represents people who are attracted to two or more genders."

"Hmm... what about this one?"

"That's the nonbinary flag: it represents people whose gender isn't strictly 'male or female.'"

"Hmm... what's this purple one?"

"That's the asexual flag: it represents people who may not feel sexual attraction the way that others do."

She put her hand to her chest and got this really curious look on her face. "Tell me more about that!"

"Oh, happy to! So like if you're out with your bestie and someone real fine walks by and she's like 'omg look at him' and you're like 'girl get a grip?' Or like you just don't get what the 'big deal' is about sex or why everyone is so weird about it? But there's also room for like- you don't fall in love with the way someone looks, you're attracted to the person- their sense of humor and their kindness, or there's something about their personality that just makes it click for you? That's asexuality, too!"

And she got real quiet and seemed to think about it for a minute. So I grabbed our little informational sheet about different queer identities and handed her a copy. "If you want to do some research, this is probably a great place to start."

She thanked me and took an ace flag, stuck it in her hair.

Sometimes when you're online all the time, its easy to think that 'everyone knows about (topic), there's no reason to keep talking about it so much.' But while the people on the internet are real people, the internet ISN'T real life. And there are lots of people who do need to know that they do have community!

One of the jokes is that I'm a lot of people's 'patient zero' for discovering that they're queer. This is why.


Liberals in 2020: "We'll push Biden left!!"

Liberals in 2023: "If you don't support genocide unconditionally you're a fascist."


...But you guys do know it'll still get worse if a Republican wins, right


No, Republicans and Democrats support Israel equally.

I mean, other things will get worse. Remember how Trump rounded up a bunch of people and put them in concentration camps? Remember that?

2020 really showed latinoamérica that you motherfucker really don't give a single shit about us. Latinos are hypothetical electoral bargaining chips to you demons. The INSTANT Biden got elected you liberal gringo fucks stopped talking about us. Never mind the fact that Biden never released the kids from the cages. Nevermind the fact that Biden kept increasing ICE's funding. Nevermind the fact that Biden deported more people than Trump ever has. Nevermind that Biden is continuing Trump's border wall. Your team is doing it, so it isn't a problem anymore.


Yknow how people say they picture senshi and it helps them cook? I think I’m doing something wrong (DO NOT DO THIS)


It's really cool how we had a fun week of hammer car explosion memes followed by an ever increasing bias against transfems to the point that as of now girls are just wearing the amount of times they get banned as a badge of honor or desisting entirely from social media because the isolation is better than constantly losing what you bothered to put out. It's really cool how everyone just collectively forgets about how fucked this whole thing is like a few days after because it's ultimately beneficial isn't it? The unpalatable get taken away, and all that's left is a lovely Corporate Memphis style mural of being queer


I understand that a lot of people are really into gardening but i think you should refrain from pointing at peoples houses and announcing the sexes of the bushes outside because you might accidentally get the correct ratio of men to women in that household and scare the crap out of the residents inside. Especially if you’re going to end your statement with “that’s why they’re not going to survive”

Last night i was sitting at my computer with my window open and i heard a guy on the sidewalk walk up to my yard, vaguely point at my house (it was dark) and say “oh yea there’s 3 females and one male, thats why they’re not going to survive” and then walked away and it took me walking outside with a flashlight to understand he was referring to the fact that 3/4 of my rosemary bushes have flowers and that he was not stalking my family of 3 women and 1 man and threatening us


guys what one is your favorite huggy wuggy seek scary blue zumbo sauce banban uh nabnab um i forgot his name the frog dude and um yeah slow seline banbaleena stinger flynn opila bird and awesome huggy wuggy this is um me but like i dont wanna use it uh blue and um oh i mean um kissy missy killy willy um choo choo chawles like boxy boo but like not evil and we have EVIL BOXY BOO we have squid game huggy wuggy yeah baby haggy waggy and blue and freddy fazb below


"how to look androgynous" "nonbinary fashion tips" you are skinny im not listening to you

Youre supposed to interpret it as "skinny nonbinary ppl see themselves as the default state of being nonbinary and exclude fat nonbinary people constantly especially in discussions of presentation" hope that helps


So I am sitting here playing solitaire on the Linkin Park website, and the computer LOST THE FOUR OF CLUBS! It literally is missing a card!

There is nowhere it could be hiding! The four of clubs is just not there!



As a kid, I was really upset that Bill Watterson wouldn't license Calvin & Hobbes so I could have plushies or so there would be a Saturday morning cartoon. Now, I realize his resistance is the reason we don't have a Calvin & Hobbes DreamWorks movie starring Chris Pratt.

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