
I may be stupid

@the-lumpfish-king / the-lumpfish-king.tumblr.com

Astronomer, creator of Genderal Relativity, Outer Wilds enjoyer, fish. 23, Aroace Spec Pan/Bi, Agender, They/It/Anything non-male

HEY! It’s me, Lumpku!

Thought I’d make one of these pined post things to introduce myself.

My name is Solanum, but you can call me Sol or Lump (or Sol Badthey if you’re epic)

I’m a 23 year old ginger, use they/it/anything non-male, demiromantic, exist in an asexual quantum superposition, and am bi/pan. Most importantly, I am also a fish

I have a degree in Physics with plans to go into a PhD program for research Astronomy. My area of focus is galaxy structure, formation, and evolution. I’m currently working on my first research papers, adapting my undergraduate thesis work into proper astronomy journal form. I love doing physics and take requests for calculations, stupid or serious (check “#lump’s calculations” for those I’ve done so far, these are my best posts by far).

I try to keep fully nsfw stuff off this blog, but mild nsfw is to be expected, so minors beware

Outside of research, work, and classes I can usually be found gaming, playing MTG, or putting way too much effort into my shitposts while watching something on my second monitor.

I can be found on a few other sites under the same username but am only active here, and if any mutuals want to connect on discord or steam dm me

If you take one thing away from reading this it’s GO PLAY OUTER WILDS RIGHT NOW. Do not look up anything about it, just play the game and then get your friends to play it. Then we can all talk about it. Please, I need to talk about this masterpiece with more people.

Now that you’ve learned about me I have gained access to your walls. Don’t worry, all I do is nibble a bit of drywall from time to time.

Too many fun facts below


i never see positivity for us so: if you had bad grades, dropped out, or cheated your way through school i love you so much and you deserve the world <3

did yall know you can reblog this without tagging it with "i was a gifted kid but-"/"i was in honors and never cheated but-"/etc.?

did you know you can just reblog positivity for people who did shitty in school without mentioning how you did well in school?

Anonymous asked:

Pet the nearest cat to your location right now

anon, i will try, but i do not have immediate access to a cat


hi i am a cat

hi i am petting and maybe getting a little bite out of you


*baps you with my kitty paws*


*baps you with my kitty paws*


*baps you with my kitty paws*


*baps you with my kitty paws*


*baps you with my kitty paws*


*baps you with my kitty paws*


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